What You Should Invest in 2024: Unleasin ...

What You Should Invest in 2024: Unleasing the Core-Satellite Gameplan #dividendinvesting

Dec 10, 2023

Hello, savvy investors, welcome back to The Dividend Uncle, your trusted source of all things investment! In today’s video, we’re delving into the realm of new opportunities, reviewing afresh our options in the year 2024. Navigating the myriad options in this dynamic landscape requires a robust strategic framework, and today, we’ll explore just that. Enter the Core-Satellite strategy, a compass in the vast sea of investment choices. I’ll unveil its relevance in the year 2024 and share precisely how I’m applying it to my REITs portfolio. Stay tuned, because while I’m focusing on REITs, this framework is a versatile tool applicable to sculpting success across your entire investment portfolio.

Watch my latest video here:


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