I write that almost as a joke, but it's 100% true. I am in the process of building my Primary YouTube channel and updating my new webpage, (which is still not anywhere close to what I want), starting a second channel mainly for games and game play, streaming on another platform, writing in here occasionally, and oh yeah, doing the job that is actually paying the bills while I 'play' with everything else.
The good thing is, that since I've committed myself to this in a very real way, it's making a difference and producing some results. The primary channel is up in views, time watched and subscribers, the website does have content and although not what I want yet, it's not the worst ever. I have managed to take one day/night a week most weeks and spend an hour or two relaxing and playing games, and I have even remembered to update this. All that, and somehow got two awards at at work for being able to excell there.
The house is still home, still enjoyable and a few things are constantly being done or planned, but I've also noticed I spent well over 70% of my awake time in my office. Granted, that office is the second largest room in the house, but that's still a lot of time in one area. I need to find a way to enjoy the back patio or deck more. I'll work on that.
You may think, that with all of this sitting around, I would be a good candidate for gaining twenty or thirty punds. Nope, just the opposite. In the past forteen or fifteen months, I have managed to lose thirty pounds, very consistently, a pound or two a month and almost twenty has disappeared since I bought the house. Imagine how that will work out when I finally figure out how to run this three ring circus, and get into some kind of regiment that will allow me time to sneak out for walks, or light exercise. I'm excited to see how it goes.
In any case, the work continues, and if I don't do it, it's not getting done, so until next time......
(If you do read these entries or like what I post, please throw a like on it, so I know that I'm posting the right kind of content for you guys.)