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Maybe this will be a Tech Related Blog a ...

Maybe this will be a Tech Related Blog after all.

Sep 29, 2021

As I continue to fight through other social media and try to find what appeals to people on YouTube and the like, I am presented with a different problem here.

I very much wanted to keep this a blog that didn't really have to do with Tech, but no one really seems interested in reading random blog stuff (unless it's far more interesting and far more often). So I believe I am going to make the transition into tech in this forum as well.

There is plenty of stuff to write about and react to that isn't really worthy of a YouTube video on its own, but it's definitely enough to offer my opinion or my thoughts. It may even be a place to occasionally talk about some of my videos and explain more about things people may not be clear on, or answer questions they may have had. It opens things up a bit for me and allows me to continue writing more personal things in my journal without thinking I am splitting my attention between safe for me to read and safe to share with others.

I don't believe I will be upsetting anyone that is hear for non-tech content, but if I am, I apologize in advance. I believe it's time to bring all of my socials into one focus and right now, specifically, that is PC building with a side of Gaming. Hell, I have even given up gaming for the most part except for benchmarking for videos, so maybe its time to take that back as well. Whatever the case, it should be an interesting experiment and one that I hope will appeal to many.

We shall soon see.

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