Life is full of failures and heartbreaks. Sometimes we try to find the light but all we can find is the darkness. life is full of sorrow, misery and regrets and sometimes we feel it will never end. It feels eternal like the Universe expanding at 70km per second in the vast emptiness of space.
No matter how hard you try to get out of the depths of despair, you still feel stuck in quicksand and the more you try to pull yourself out the more you sink.
You work hard and yet you fail again and again and again.
In these moments you must never give up, you must never lose your faith as Ravindranath Tagore(India's first Nobel Laureate) Once said
"Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark."
And as Winston Churchill (ex-Prime Minister of Great Britain) once said
"if you are walking through hell, keep walking"