Episode 78 - Negativity

Episode 78 - Negativity

Jul 31, 2022

The best way to deal with negativity and hate is simply to Ignore them and give them zero reaction and say thank you in the end because nothing makes them more miserable. Always remember, if your enemy made you angry then he/she already won.

No matter who you are and what you do, avoiding criticism is impossible. Period. If you want to avoid criticism then just die ๐Ÿ˜‚ even then some people will be criticising you for taking some extra space in your grave.

Don't believe me, ask all the Gods, and they will tell you. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Even my favourite Lord Krishna gets tons of hate mail.

So, keep doing what you love, keep following your dreams, never stop falling in love with yourself and always be a person of moral, values and ethics and you will sleep like a baby every single day.

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