Episode 67 - Narcissism

Episode 67 - Narcissism

Jul 31, 2022

If a person never accepts his/her mistakes. if a person never accepts his/her failures. If a person never accepts that they did anything wrong. if a person always plays the victim. if a person is not aware of his/her ego and narcissism. if a person always makes fun of your dreams and tries to belittle them. if a person doesn't believe in you and doubts you at every single point. if a person always takes you for granted. if a person lies all the time and never apologises. Then that person is as toxic as nuclear waste.

Some people are in such utter darkness that they will burn you just to see a light. Try not to take it personally. When someone treats you like crap, just remember it’s because there’s something wrong with them, not you. Normal people don’t go around destroying other people’s lives.

So, never ignore the early signs and get away from the toxic people as fast as possible. They will destroy your life and then blame you for it. that's their trademark.

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