Episode 61 - Ego

Episode 61 - Ego

Jul 31, 2022

I have no shame in accepting that my ego is as big as the size of mount Everest. I have no shame in accepting that I am a narcissist, arrogant and a megalomaniac. I have no shame in accepting that I have made countless mistakes in my past. I have no shame in accepting that I have failed countless times in my past. I have no shame in accepting that I have lied countless times.

it's impossible to get rid of your ego, arrogance and narcissism. (these things help you to stay away from toxic people)

it's impossible not to lie. (imagine a world with 100% truth) it's impossible not to make mistakes. it's impossible not to fail.

But always make sure that you are aware of your ego. Always make sure that you know the difference between a white lie and a black lie (a white lie is a fake compliment or a necessary evil and a black lie is playing with people's hearts and life). Always make sure not to make the same mistake twice. You can be a person of morals, values and ethics and still be a master of white lies (they make life so much easier)

You can't change who you are, that's impossible but you can always become aware of who you are, that's heaven.

Once you become aware of your ego, arrogance, mistakes and failures you become humble, empathetic and compassionate.

As Lao Tzu (a great Chinese philosopher) once said

"Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment"

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