Episode 47 - Dreamer

Episode 47 - Dreamer

Jul 30, 2022

He started as a Dreamer, Running his imagination wild.

like a jubilant child, who always smiled.

at all the possibilities that one day he will thrive.

then the adversity begins, hitting the young man on the chin.

making his entire world spin, hurting like a sharp pin.

(somebody whispered)

"Hi, I am the failure"

I come with the dreams, like a cone with the ice cream. ๐Ÿ˜Š

as his soul was jolted, his ego revolted.

thinking what to do next,

thinking is this a test, to see if he can be the best.

He accepted the Challenge and said

"I will learn from my past mistakes and this time i will not be jolted by the failure quake"

But he failed.

again and again and again.....

and (Someone Whispered)

"Hi, I am the failure.

I come free with the dreams, like a cone with the ice cream" ๐Ÿ˜Š


In the house of his mind, a new tenet arrived.

meet Mr Doubt, he is here to bribe.

to take the easy way out.

"Give up your dream, let's end this drought"

The poor boy who once was jubilant.

now, all that smile is fading away.

this new depression is here to stay.

He started to pray because he didn't want to be the prey.


(someone whispered)

"Hi, I am the Faith"

"I am the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark."

He said to the Boy,

"Don't give up, it's not the end.

never break but you are allowed to bend.

Stand up and fight.

don't give up, Mr Doubt ain't right.

if you keep working hard, your future is bright."

The Young lad smiled.

and said to Mr Doubt, get the hell out.

I am not ending the drought, I am making my own clouds.

my Hard work will rain and it will start my reign.

I will meet Miss Success and I will confess

"Giving up is not in the blood, it's not in the blood"

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