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Where to eat in Puerto Vallarta downtown

Where to eat in Puerto Vallarta downtown

Apr 23, 2021

This is a recomendation only if you are starving, El dogo Norteño is a good option when yours energy levels dropp, is cheap, is big and fast dinner. Yes only open for dinner. The location is 5 de Diciembre neighborhood on the streets Colombia corner with Honduras.

Here is the location link on google maps:

i ordered a dogo special, chori papas (fries) and horchata fresh water (rice flavor) and my check was $95 MXN pesos or 5 USD. i did regreat was to much for a dinner.

The flavor is not so good, the bread is kind of sweat, but give it a try. 

By the way, Dogo means hot dog, and you can appetizzers your dogo with more toppins for free like pickles, caramel onions, hot sauce of corse, ranch dressing and even with chips. 

El Dogo Norteño and remember visit my youtube channel and suscribe for get the latest news in puerto vallarta or nuevo vallarta.

Sorry for my grammar and writing i accept any suggestion for improve my writin english :)

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