Hello Everybody!
My name is Dionne and welcome to Dionne's ESL Cyber Lounge. Today's post is brought to you buy TEFL Training and Recruitment. To learn more about the services offered by TEFL Training and Recruitment, please visit www.dionneseslcyberlounge.com. So with no further adieu, let's talk!
In case you're wondering where exactly Dionne's ESL Cyber Lounge is - it's where you can find me online - whether it's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, BuyMeACoffee or any other cyber space. I use these spaces as cyber-departments of my ESL Cyber Lounge.
Across the internet, the departments of my Cyber Lounge are where English learners, English teachers and English teacher recruiters or employers can all lounge together. It makes sense for teachers, employers, and students to come together in the same lounge because we need each other's help. Students need teachers --> teachers need students --> recruiters and employers need teachers and students right? So we all come together in my cyber lounge departments where I post content that can help you while you meet & network with other professionals in the lounge who can help you meet your goals.
Today's Topic is what's new for 2023.
FREE ENGLISH LEARNING MATERIALS: I have been adding FREE English lesson materials that I've made to www.buymeacoffee.com/teacherdionne.
I have begun uploading English materials that students, teachers or employers can download, that help with English language skills. There are materials that help with reading, listening, speaking, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, idioms, conversation and more.
ONLINE ENGLISH TEACHER JOBS: I will also be posting jobs from Online English companies that are hiring online teachers. If you're recruiting, send me the information you want to post (recruiters and employers, send me your job postings).
TIPS AND AIDS FOR SEASONED, NEW & POTEANTIAL ENGLISH TEACHERS: I will also be posting more tips for new & seasoned online English teachers.
So what's the best part of my Cyber Lounge? Most material I post is completely FREE. You can also choose to book a 30-minute or 1-hour session with me to discuss any material or information that I've posted.
If you're an English learner who downloaded English lesson materials, but you have questions about the topic or you want to learn more about it, you can book a meeting with in my cyber lounge.
If you're an English teacher who has downloaded lesson materials and want to talk about the best way to use or teach the material, or maybe you have read a post I made and you want to talk more about the topic, you can book a meeting with me in my Cyber lounge.
If you're an employer who downloaded my lesson materials and you need more or you want to have a teacher trainer to coach your teachers on the best way to teach English topics, you can book a meeting with me in cyber lounge.
In summary, I'm leaving you with 3 important steps of action.
Whether you're a recruiter, employer, learner, or teacher, meet me in one of my ESL Cyber Lounge spaces: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube or got o my website and check out the posts. Network with people there so they can help you meet your goals if maybe you need to find a teacher, or maybe you need to find students, or maybe you want to learn more English.
Go to www.buymeacoffee.com/teacherdionne and look under extras & posts to see useful information, lessons and materials.
If you want more information about any of the lesson materials you have downloaded, schedule a paid 30-minute or 1-hour session with me and we'll talk about it.
I'll share all the necessary links & contact information below. Have a wonderful rest of your day and thanks for joining me at Dionne's ESL Cyber Lounge! Bye!
Social Media & Contact info below:
Request a meeting at admin@dionneseslcyberlounge.com.
Website: www.dionneseslcyberlounge.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dionneseslcyberlounge
Twitter: https://www.twtter.com/Dionne_Educator
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dionneseslcyberlounge/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClCxJ-wpF5qoccMqeT0uGjQ
Show Support: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/teacherdionne