Guess what!
There is no simple solution to magickally manifesting wealth, happiness, the perfect relationship if you are frozen and so overwhelmed by your personal issues that you cannot think straight.
Believe me, I've been there so many times in my life that it's ridiculous - I totally get what it feel like to be so anxious about my future that I didn't want to get out of bed.
To be very honest I have to say that it was partially my fault (I have to own that - I'm not perfect) but my greatest fault was allowing people to manipulate me and use me.
This is a lesson I am STILL learning because I am a stubborn bitch.
I want you to not be so stubborn - please. See people for who they really are.
Abusive people do not change. They will just continue to find people to manipulate to fit their agenda.
You will not win the battle by trying to make them see reason.
You will not change their hard hearts by trying to show them the pain they are causing.
They are so imbedded in their own belief system and way of doing things that they rarely see that they are doing anything wrong.
Realise this and more than anything realise that you cannot make them change.
My biggest challenge has often been to avoid these situations and these types of people and stop being so soft and empathetic.
Can you manifest with people like this sucking the very life out of you?
Even if you do create change for yourself , these toxic people will just ramp up their tactics to take more and more from you.
In the end you will find yourself going around in circles.
Today have a think about whether you may have people like this around you - you will see that this is one of the reasons that manifesting is not working for you.
Much Love - Renata (Tarotqueen)