100 day to shaping completed Getter drag ...

100 day to shaping completed Getter dragon: Day15-21

Oct 19, 2024

I am SO SORRY for a week late. I got sick in this week, and too busy for Family Problems. But this is not a good excuse why I forgot to update the progress, I just hope you can forgive me.

Let's check in out what I did for the Getter Dragon in week 3.


rear clean-up. The back is inspired by the trapezius muscles.

I have a failed copy shoulder parts form my steel jeeg, so I put them on and check the balance. But the position is too high. 🤔


Continuing from yesterday, I borrowed the steel Jeeg's shoulder to study and adjust the position of the joints, and the position is now better. But it is too big. It is unbalanced.

I will make a smaller shoulder later.


Using polyxy putty and an electric drill, I made the shoulders. There's also shoulder armour, so including its thickness, this size is good, but the balance might still change if both shoulders are together.


Yesterday l am cut out too much shoulder parts, so I repair it today. I verified the range of motion and it looks good.

And I am so worry about the schedule, so I embedded the hip joint in a hurry.

Day 19

When I look at yesterday's photo, I still think the eyes are too narrow, so I'm correcting the eyes again. It's a bit dirty, so it's about time I sprayed it with some saffe.

In addition, I also embedded the right shoulder in the joint.

Day 20

I sprayed little bit of surfacer on the face only, and corrected the shape of the eyes while inspecting. Does it look good now?

And I used an electric drill to cut and polish the discarded resin block lathe and made part of the upper arm.


I'm going on an overnight business trip, so I don't have the Getter Dragon with me, but if I just do some sketch and considered it, in other way I still can say I get some progress. four different body shapes to consider, but I'm having a lot of trouble with it.

this is what I did on the week 3. see you tomorrow.

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