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Crema de finisat torturi | Finishing cre ...

Crema de finisat torturi | Finishing cream for cakes

Dec 08, 2021

Tocmai ce am publicat una din cele mai cerute creme de finisat torturi, de pana acum. A fost o perioada in care am fost intrebata des despre creme de imbracat torturi. Am decis sa fac publica una dintre ele. Cu aceasta crema se pot finisa (imbraca) torturile in asa fel incat sa arate aprope perfecte.

Sper sa va placa si sa va bucurati de aceasta reteta!


I just published one of the most requested cake finishing creams so far. There was a time when I was often asked about cake finishing creams. I decided to publish one of them. With this cream you can finish (dress) the cakes in such a way that they look almost perfect.

I hope you like it and enjoy this recipe!

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