by Suzanne Maresca, August 2, 2021
Can you guess what’s right in your face when you walk into the Barnes and Noble in Williamsburg, Virginia? A tall kiosk filled with various children’s books, one of which is ~
Dr Fauci ~ How a Boy from Brooklyn Became America’s Doctor
By Kate Messner, with illustrations by Alexandra Bye
The book opens with an illustration of young Anthony gazing into the twilight “Searching for solutions to whatever challenges might come next.”
Then, in the following two pages full of text, the headers are as follows ~
“How do Vaccines Work?”, and
“Are Vaccines Safe?”
And the answer given in this little piece of propaganda?
“Vaccines like the one developed for covid-19 are very safe.”
Yeah, not so much. I hope by now that you’ve all seen the statistics and research on vaccine-related death and injury. It’s grim. And even worse is the fact that ignoring these stats is the norm now for every mainstream “news” outlet. Enemy of the people, indeed.
The book goes on to give some background on Fauci’s noble and heroic journey to medical school, and follows with his “biggest challenge” when covid spread around the world. That’s where the propaganda gets truly wicked and literally sickening, chock full of the deep state agenda of lies designed to channel public opinion into their designated groove of thinking…marketed to children!
Not surprisingly, there’s no mention of his funding (with U.S. Taxpayer dollars) of the Wuhan lab’s research. Let’s share with the kids that he’s profited hugely from the plandemic, and that he’s a well-documented, pathological liar, yet holds a high-level government position. I didn’t see anything in the book about his “gain of function” research, either. You know…looking into how to make the virus worse for Humans. Go figure.
It doesn’t appear that the doctor has taken his oath of doing no harm to heart. Talk about inversion!
As a counter to the deep state narrative, we provide the following:
Who Watches the Watchmen? Fauci’s “Noble Lie,” Exposed
by Tom Cox, July 31, 2021,
It’s time Americans were told the truth: that the grant money sent to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) is merely a footnote in this narrative. After all, Dr. Fauci controls nearly $4 billion of annual grant funding for the NIAID, the institute within the NIH he has directed since 1984. Over 37 years, more than 50,000 research projects have been supported with more than $50 billion (conservatively) of taxpayer funds that have been doled out to them.
It’s reasonable to hold him accountable for the results of his organization’s efforts, but the direct funding received by the WIV for gain-of-function (GOF) research represents only a tiny fraction of Fauci’s involvement in enabling risky research.
Jim Jordan Resumes Attacks On Dr. Fauci Over COVID-19 Origins, Mask Guidance
A Timeline of Fauci’s COVID-19 Deception
by AMAC Newsline, July 28, 2021,
The full story of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s role in the COVID-19 pandemic starts long before the virus hit America’s shores and involves Fauci’s role in overseeing coronavirus research grants going to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Fauci, who is America’s highest paid career bureaucrat, has directed the health agency that approved hundreds of thousands of dollars of federal funding for experiments on bat coronaviruses that occurred at the Wuhan Institute for over half a decade.
This funding has continued despite members of Fauci’s own office receiving information in 2016 that the Wuhan Institute did not even know how to disinfect their own laboratory equipment properly. As new emails show, Fauci had direct knowledge as early as 2017 of the bat coronavirus experiments being conducted at the Wuhan lab.
It occurs to me that the publisher’s expectations may not be very high about actually influencing young minds with this particular abomination. After all, the age group this book is directed to is unlikely to be able to purchase it without a parental unit participating in the transaction. It may be more about dropping the frequency of whatever happy person comes into the bookstore anticipating a good experience, and then having this atrocity appear front and center when walking through the door.
The bad guys know the importance of how we feel about things. We need to be ever-mindful of the power of our emotions, especially now. We actually are at war, and in large part, it’s a war for minds.
If you’re inspired to contact the Barnes and Noble store in question to express your feelings about their marketing of propaganda to our children, here’s their contact information ~
Barnes and Noble Booksellers
5101 Main Street
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Phone: 757 564 0687