The unfortunate truth

The unfortunate truth

Jul 04, 2021

Hi my name is Likah Rain

Admittedly I am still embarrassed to tell people, to have allowed this to go on for so so so long, but I need help. Too many years of pretending everything was fine, continuing to give her the benefit of the dout.

I've understood since I realized what she's doing and has been doing needs to stop and I need to do what's best for me. I want this abuse to stop and I need your help.

My narcissistic mother started abusing me since I was little playing mind games with me being physically and verbally ABUSIVE making me think She really loves ECT.. When I was a little bit older she forced me to apply for social security which I now know was really to help her because she didn't waste any time ABUSING ME financially. I tried to leave once but like a classic ABUSER she made me think that she really NEEDS ME but it's just the money that she needed and needs. She doesn't care that I have a disability (essential tremors) either treating My asking for her help as a burden.. Now in my 30s I look at how many years she has stolen from me and it makes me so sad and angry. I want those years back. Please help me to leave this oppression and to be genuinely happy again. It's not that money would make me happy it's the freedom that the money would provide and the extra security and support.

Thank you so very much for whatever you can give.

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