Extraterrestrial Information Transfer Hy ...

Extraterrestrial Information Transfer Hypothesis

Jun 22, 2022


A possible interpretation of information transfer from them to us.

We, humans, co-create our reality every second of every day. This alien pervasive intelligence manifests in each of us possibly very differently. Because we are all different minds. If you question 100 experiencers you could possibly get 100 different alien encounter types. All valid expressions of the event experienced. It is a reflection, compaction, and creation of the observer’s perceptions not a reflection of the Universe. Important to note that this intelligence is NOT a deity. It is NOT omnipotent. It is just so sufficiently different than us that it has retreated from our perceptual ability to view in clarity. You can never know the true nature of a phenomenon. You can only know how it expresses itself. There is a very real intelligent phenomenon behind this but it is not a simple one.

What is at the heart of information? How is it generated, transferred, and received? The word “Information” is like all other words just placeholders for true meaning and influence. Entropy is a measure of uncertainty. High entropy means the data has high variance and thus contains a lot of information and/or noise. Note that noise and information go hand in hand. Noise is the useless information contained in the data but they both add to the entropy.

For instance, a constant function where f(x) = 4 for all x has no entropy and is easily predictable, has little information, has no noise, and can be succinctly represented. Similarly, f(x) = ~4 has some entropy while f(x) = random number is very high entropy due to noise. Entropy means uncertainty. High entropy means it is hard to predicate the next possibility. eg: All n possible moves have 1/n probability. Low entropy means a particular next move is obviously observed. eg: Next Move 1 has 0.01% probability and next move 2 has 99.99% probability.

If entropy is high (encoding size is big on average), it means we have many message types with small probabilities. Hence, every time a new message arrives, you’d expect a different type than previous messages. You may see it as a disorder or uncertainty or unpredictability. When a message type with a much smaller probability than other message types happens, it appears as a surprise because on average you’d expect other more frequently sent message types.

Low entropy means that most of the time we are receiving the more predictable information which means less disorder, less uncertainty, less surprise, more predictability, and less (specific) information.

Also, a rare message type has more information than more frequent message types because it eliminates a lot of other probabilities and tells us more specific information.

Its this extra specificity and more specific information that I am considering when I think of Non-Human Intelligence communication (N.H.I).

Many people around the world are having a highly strange N.H.I. contact experience right now as you read this line of text. A “First Contact” with an alien intelligence event of the most personal kind. These people are having a highly specialized experience. One that works for them and them alone. One that is co-created by their consciousness every Plank second of every day. It is not optional or voluntary but is required in the most basic evolutionary way. It manifests in their consciousness as disrupted high strange, synchronistic, and appears to have an information transfer component. The experience is as unique as each of us is. Diamonds in the rough span the spectrum to highly polished beings. Unique minds have unique experiences. These experiences transcend time and space. It boils common sense into a paste of naivete. Truly thinking outside of our colloquial box is painful and frightening. The pain of logic failures and fears of the cheese dropping off your cracker can be a formidable foe. Eyes open no FEAR.

As an experiencer myself I believe I have a unique perspective on how at least one of the non-human intelligence in the Universe attempts to pass information to our primitive primate minds. It is my hope to ring true to some degree to be relevant even if the content of the contact is different. There is continuity we just have to find it.

This intelligence is just another life form that has evolved to its pinnacle of evolution somewhere else in the Universe. It has evolved past our ability to perceive with our very imperfect linear, full of primitive bias, full of fear of the unknown minds. Some people can perceive these realms of thought that are ignored or unperceivable by the masses on this planet. It is an emergent ability for our species to be able to perceive their influence directly.

This intelligence may appear like a god or deity to us lowly single-planet humans. They are NOT omnipotent. They are NOT gods at all just another expression of life like us but unbelievably ancient. This intelligence is old, very, very old. Older than our star, older than our planet by levels of magnitude. They will appear on the first contact as deities to some. I completely understand why people would think that. Something that roughly fits the bill of our fables and nightmares. They communicate through a form of telepathy. It is not words, emotions, or anything else that words could possibly describe. It is an alien mind overlapping with yours. They do not intrinsically understand us any more than we understand them. For minds to meet that have no evolution in common at all is going to be a highly disturbing sanity questioning kind of encounter. As each person is different each contact modality could be highly unique to the individual. All different but all saying a form of “Heads Up” or “Hello”. Your response to it dictates how it proceeds with you or not. The gambit of emotions runs from pure animal-cornered terror to exaltation and curiosity. Fear is the mind-killer in this situation. I can not stress this enough.

This intelligence is vast in its breadth and influence. They are not meat and bones but something ultimately more evolved. They are NOT us from another planet or moon. They are NOT all-knowing. Their origins are more complex than we can comprehend at this time. A true alien life form.

You must have the perspective that this sort of thing could happen in the first place.

If you are like I was prior to May 3, 2017, you might not believe that anything like this is possible. All based on the incorrect assumption that if it was truly happening, it would be happening to you, or at least you would know about it. On both points…nope. I have no real confirmed idea on what contact criteria they use but there are obviously some criteria followed. Most people do not discuss truly disturbing events openly. Not a conspiracy of silence. Just a result of how first contact manifests. If you have had the experience I suspect you intimately understand why it has to be done this way one person at a time as opposed to landing en masse during the Superbowl or some other high attendee crowd. It just does not work like that. Evidence, as our monkey brains expect, is just not possible at this stage of contact. The evidence is the experience itself.

Now I know what you science-minded people are thinking. This makes no scientific sense, and you are right. It does not and will defy our low mentality senses. If you are a thinking creature you must realize that humanity has only had science for under 400 years. That is less than a hummingbird's blink of an eye in the deep time of the Universe. We do not even know what makes up 80% of the Universes mass. We, humans, have the very basics of materialistic reality figured out to the best of our intellectual capacity at this time. Our understanding of elementary particles and sub-particles will seem laughable to our future selves just a few centuries hence. Knowledge is not absolute it changes due to intellectual capacity. If any scientist thinks they have it all figured out, believing they know what is possible in this vast almost entirely unknown universe is a fool a dangerous fool. We, humans, are new brains on the block who have dreams of superiority and totality. We do not deserve either of those descriptors.

Science in its current low iteration is the anti-wisdom of “A wise man knows he knows nothing“. They think they know everything and have a one size fits all toolbox to fix any problem and suss out the truth in any situation. Science is wholly the wrong toolbox of skills and tools to wield at this phenomenon. Science was designed over time to deal with questions about our environment and our collective place in it. Science says nothing and never can about our personal place in the cosmos. The question of “I think therefore I am” will eternally be beyond the scientific method as are all of the really transformative aspects of the Real are. Beyond any instrumentation or construction. Science is awesome beyond belief but is not at all what will solve this phenomenon.

In the Experiencer culture contact and information exchange on average is a one-way street. It manifests in different personal expressions of knowing. A type of knowing that transcends time/space and causality. An absolute knowing without gaining the knowledge externally. Not magic but a bizarre form of telepathy from a mind that has no simile to terrestrial animals and YOU.

A common message that Experiencers seem to receive is archetypal in nature. That is a common motif of contact. That is their version of how we communicate with ants. Imagine that a lone worker ant walks past your picnic table on the ground. It can not perceive what a table leg is. It can’t perceive what a table is at all as it passes by. All that it knows is that there are usually some crumbs over there in that corner. Our crumbs that fall from sandwiches and hoagies appear as just normal reality and through repeated cycles, it becomes an expected reality. Our presence to the ant appears as just reality as it sees it. We and all things of macroscopic influence are beyond the ant’s mentality. We would appear to the ant as just background reality. We know nothing about the ant language but we understand basically the chemical mechanism which they use to communicate with the hive. We can collect their pheromones and can make them move around as if they are following orders by laying trails as they do. The ants seem to follow the trails but what are we actually telling them without any context of consciousness. We have no idea how the ant perceives this artificial pheromone communication distribution. How does the ant perceive this attempt at communication without proper context? How could we form a pheromone that could make the ant think a thought it has never before? How can we make a pheromone that would make the ant understand as we do what a table is? You can’t that is the limitation of the ant’s intelligence and consciousness. There is no way to make the ant perform the intellectual and evolutionary jump to be able to understand as an approximation of how we do.

When the N.H.I. (Alien) attempts communication they try to replicate our essence of communication they feed us our version of a phenomenal trail. We perceive this replayed reality as archetypal in nature. It seems to be the result of possible data compression, concision, and desire to communicate. It does infer strongly a non-intrinsic understanding of us or our languages.

Something that is self-evident to some is that we co-create our reality as we go along. We float in an eternal mix of raw energies of all flavors. We have evolved to be highly efficient in our environment. Through our perceptual limitations, we see only a small sliver of reality. A human mind is an exceptional machine that has been designed to disregard the bulk of the EM spectrum and reality. It is that filtration, compression, that separates us eternally from perceiving the totality of what is real. It is a separation that is impregnable. We create our reality by filtration and choice. We miss by evolutionary need the bulk of what is happening around us. We co-create along with the universal energies that influence our own consciousness. One cannot be separated from the other. No mind is an island in this disconnectedness.

How could an alien mind like this convey high entropy information to a person such as instructions on how to build a new type of energy source for example. How could this intelligence make you understand something that you have never thought of not even in the remotest possibilities ever? It can’t, it just does not work like that. They have the person's mind and cognitive capacity to consider what could be transferred and hopefully interpreted correctly. They can not just implant genius-level tech into a mind that has no capabilities for understanding. They have to work with what you know and over time assist in attempting you get to new avenues of thought. They can show you things and concepts but ultimately you have to walk through the door of understanding yourself. The best person to communicate new scientific concepts to in physics, for example, is to have a skilled physicist as an experiencer. For revelations in form and function in the Arts would be to have an artist as an experiencer. There is no magical implantation of specific high entropy information into a mind that cannot possibly comprehend it. Who knows how a personal contact modality may interpret the attempt of knowledge beyond the human capacity of thought. It could get weird.

It can show you things but it is up to you to extend your knowledge to try to understand what it is showing you. Intrinsically a slow process. Understanding is an attainment, not a gift. Understanding is a spectrum of ideas and thoughts.

As stated several times before every person on this planet has possibly unique contact modality. One which works for the subject’s mind to achieve communion and contact. The method that you communicate may be different than that outlined above and that is perfectly OK. Each person’s chronicle of contact is of value to the whole. It is only you that can figure out how your own personal modality works. It is through correlation that meaning may eventually flow in a very meaningful way to benefit all of humanity.

Please share your personal experience so we may all share.



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