(Source/Credit: Carlos Latuff / Latuff Cartoons)
*Article originally written in November, then completed & published in December, but due to extraneous circumstances I never got around to publishing it here until now, though I think it is just as important and relevant a piece now as it was in the immediate wake of the 2024 US Presidential Election...
The Path to Peace and Healing Starts Within Us
“Well I look into the world, and this is what I see: Crimes against humanity, atrocities; Pollution in the air and the land and the sea; Some greedy capitalists doing anything they please…Why must we justify, oh why oh why, the same old corruption, the same old lies?” - Mishka, ‘Free’
Election Day has finally come and gone, but it is apparent in the wake of these elections that the cloud of darkness hanging over our nation hasn't gone anywhere. As excited as I am for the prospects of our country moving forward in a positive direction in the coming years, I am deeply saddened by the bitterness and hatred among fellow Americans that is coming to the surface in the aftermath of this election, as we'll soon see.
More than ever, this land needs healing and the world needs peace, and yet all too many among both the 'winners' and the 'losers' of this political charade continue to feed the very forces of darkness that oppress us all, perpetuating the chronic societal illness at the root of the suffering seen and experienced by all of us.
America is desperately sick, her people deeply afflicted by division and addicted to fear, and her government afflicted by corruption and addicted to war. Millions are rejoicing in their political victory while millions of others are saddened in their political defeat, one camp largely convinced the forces of light have triumphed over darkness with the other camp convinced it is the forces of darkness which have triumphed. But at the end of the day, a militant global empire of war and destruction marches on, with unchecked US-sponsored genocide carrying on, as overt war crimes and crimes against humanity sanctioned by both parties of the US political establishment continue unabated.
Meanwhile, the divisive polarization fueling the Great American Divide does not appear to have gone anywhere, despite the end of the divisive election season finally here, and the President Elect's call for unity at his victory speech. 'We have won our country back from the communist traitors,' those on the one side cry, 'and the anti-establishment dream team will soon make America great again'; while those on the other side are crying that, 'We have lost our country to the racist traitors, and American democracy is doomed at the hands of the new Hitler'.
But what has truly been lost here, and what has truly been won, if humanity is still being oppressed by the very same darkness that plagued her before this election came to a close and a new leader of the 'free world' was selected?
All the while, US bombs dropped by a genocidal, war criminal Zionist Israeli government continued to rain down on both the besieged Gaza Strip and Lebanon, decimating civilian infrastructure and murdering Palestinian and Lebanese men, women and children alike by the dozen - on a daily basis.
The whole world can see the injustice of this year-long massacre and that it is not 'self defense' as Israel absurdly claims, but rather truly a genocide, and yet on it rages with full US government sanction and support - for 14 months and counting.
The destruction of Gaza resembles a nuclear blast, with Northern Gaza utterly decimated and Gaza City no more, having been entirely flattened. "An entire society now a graveyard," UN official Louise Wateridge, describing the surreal reality one can catch a glimpse of in her documentation of this wholesale destruction of Gaza City, says.
That both of the establishment-party candidates for president unconditionally support Israel despite its ongoing campaign to starve the Palestinian People of northern Gaza, along with unconditional US sponsorship of the 14-month genocide, no matter how many war crimes are committed, speaks to the sad state of affairs we in the West find ourselves. More than anything, this unconditional, bipartisan US support of such a longstanding, ongoing, heart wrenching travesty of justice highlights the true nature of the murderous, bloodstained US empire and its corrupt, Zionist controlled political establishment.
Meanwhile here in the homeland, the extreme reactions to the election results by many Americans on both sides of the political aisle reveals the sad state of our present 'civilized' western society. With the election results in, all of the darkness of the fear and bitter polarization that this election cycle fueled is bubbling up to the surface for all to see, it would seem, and the result isn't pretty.
In an extremely hate-filled video released by a University of Oregon administrator, for example, Leonard Serrato, UO assistant director of fraternity and sorority of life, called on everyone who voted for Trump to kill themselves, after calling them "f-cking stupid."
Surprisingly, according to his own rant, this hate-filled rhetoric is explicitly directed towards every single American who voted for Trump, including even his own friends and family. After introducing himself as being "very proud" of himself for being "a very petty person," and making sure to announce that his diatribe was intentionally being stated "in the most disrespectful way possible," he declared: "I don't care if you are my family, I don't care if you are my friend, I don't care if we've been friends our entire lives, you can literally go f-ck yourself if you voted for Donald Trump, [...] and I hope you go jump off of a f-cking bridge."
Such unchecked rage is but a reflection of the insanity that a year of deliberately divisive political fear- and hate-mongering propaganda breeds, and neither is the insanity expressed by Kamala Harris supporters restricted to hatred directed towards Trump supporters alone. Despite Trump winning by a large enough margin that all of the combined 3rd party votes wouldn't have changed the outcome even if every single one of them had been cast for Harris, there are plenty of those who are so bitter about the outcome that they are nevertheless blaming 3rd party voters for Trump's win.
Palestinian American Hamzah Saadah, for example, has been subjected to this particular brand of insanity all week, accused of being complicit in what such voters apparently anticipate will become a ramped up version of the ongoing genocide of his people in Palestine under a Trump presidency - because he voted for Jill Stein, a candidate who actually took a stance against Israel's genocidal war campaign! "Blood is in your hands now," one X user posted, in response to his own post highlighting one previous example of such blind hatred, in which another user parroted the leftist sentiment used to justify support for the genocide-supporting Harris among those opposing US support of Israel's genocide.
In reality, the blood of all those children killed by Israel is on the hands of the Biden-Harris Administration, which for 13 months leading up to the election continued to sponsor the senseless slaughter with billions in taxpayer dollars and weapons alike. And this in direct contravention of the will of its voter base, 80% of which now supports an arm embargo being imposed against the war-criminal entity. This nonsensical post-election rhetoric is widespread in democrat circles, and testament to the mental gymnastics that those who decry this Israeli crime against humanity must do to justify their support of a candidate who wholly supports that very same crime against humanity.
With the election results in, people's true colors are really showing, and as it turns out, for all too many of these folks, the dead children in Gaza were nothing more than a political talking point, revealing yet again the inhumanity inherent to politics. Now that Trump has won the presidency, it appears there is actually a contingency of democrats suddenly wishing death upon the children.
Where has our humanity gone, and how low must we go as a society before we realize that endlessly repeating the insanity of the past will never serve to help usher in the better future which the vast majority of us seek for ourselves, our children, and this beautiful planet upon which we live?
Sadly, such insanity is not by any means isolated to the political left as those on the political right will stubbornly claim. The hatred and refusal to find common ground on which to stand goes both ways for those still stuck in the divisive two-party paradigm, even among many of those on the right who claim to be both 'awake' and 'anti-establishment'. The establishment is perpetuated by division, and so it is an irony indeed, that so many of those Trump voters who claim to be staunchly anti-establishment and believe the new president to be equally as anti-establishment as they are, would be so quick to denounce any call for unity as coming from 'the enemy'.
According to one such well-intentioned voice, Merissa Hansen, all those pushing for unity in the wake of the election "clearly are controlled," because, she writes, "It's US against the COMMUNISTS," invoking the foundational establishment narrative utilized by the political right to perpetuate the Great American Divide and fuel the hatred of everyday Americans by everyday Americans. The tweet well captures the divisive sentiment felt by millions of Americans on both sides of the political aisle, in the words, "No forgiveness," and, worse yet: "They are legit subhuman." 'They' of course referring not to the establishment system such Trump supporters claim to stand against, but the political left, the democrats, the democratic party, but one wing of the two-winged establishment bird of war and oppression.
Although Trump did make a call for unity in his victory speech, a great many of his loyal followers have disavowed such calls, whether authentic or not, as a betrayal of what they believe they (and Trump) stand for.
Invoking all of the foundational talking points of the false light Q psyop used to portray Donald Trump as a truly anti-establishment savior/messiah of the people, these so-called anti-establishment voters continue to inadvertently support the very same establishment system they think they oppose. Sadly, as anti-establishment as so many Trump supporters may think they are, they continue to feed the very same establishment with their outright denunciations of unity. This ensures the perpetuation of the political polarization of Americans responsible for tearing this nation apart at the seams, and by extension the perpetuation of the very establishment system of corruption they seek to dismantle.
Worse yet are the more extremist voters on the right who much more blatantly display their hatred of the 'other' for the whole world to see...
These are but a few examples among many across social media platforms, revealing that all too many Americans are clearly not yet ready for the unity which would bring this society the peace and freedom the vast majority of us truly do seek. A number of friends I talked to in the immediate wake of the election affirmed that they too had noticed the very same trend in their circles and on the social media platforms they utilize. Thankfully, despite there being millions of Americans whose minds seem to be hopelessly enslaved in the divisive 'Us vs. Them' mentality fueling the violent conflicts around the world right now, there are also millions of us who have risen above this petty polarization and who truly seek to unite humanity upon the universally shared principles of peace, freedom, and justice for all.
And so it is that, while there are many who still falsely believe the cosmic 'battle' of 'good' vs. 'evil' is a political battle being fought by the left vs. the right, there are also many awakening souls who are beginning to see that the true divide is between those seeking unity and those perpetuating division, and division can and will only ever bring more of the war and conflicts we all claim to wish to transcend. Meanwhile, the true battle is being fought within the minds and hearts of us all, and it is a battle between the unity of love and the separation of fear, between the darkness of hatred and the light which brings peace.
Upon awakening, one eventually realizes there is no battle at all, but simply a divide between the awakened ones and those still sleepwalking through life, and it is this cessation of inner conflict which, when reflected into this world by enough of us, will bring us the freedom and peace on earth we all seek. Those who are awakening and seeking to bring humanity into a loving state of unity have no real enemies, for the 'other' who sees them as enemy is simply at a different stage in the awakening journey that humanity is collectively traversing in these times of great change. Meanwhile, those who have yet to awaken into the realization that unity is the only answer to all of humanity's problems continue to stubbornly cling to their conflict-riddled dream of separation in which there must be enemies outside of themselves to blame for all of the planetary problems they share responsibility in creating in our collective world, in the desperate and ultimately futile attempt to avoid seeing their own insanity - the insanity of the dream of separation in which we have all at some point in our lives on Planet Earth played our part.
Those who seek unity see the insanity of separation and conflict for what it is, and those still entrenched in the consciousness of separation see unity as insanity, in order to avoid seeing the insanity they hold within themselves. This election cycle has been but a collective projection of our collective inner darkness onto the external material world of form, forcing society to collectively come face to face with our inner demons, so that we might see them for what they are and, upon facing them, accepting them and releasing them, move beyond them and into a world filled with much more light. All of the establishment corruption and deception, the continuation of wars across the planet, the hatred of the 'enemy' seen in the political world, the enmity between those identifying with the political left or the right, the desire to punish the other side rather than forgive; all of this is but a reflection of the collective inner state of society.
We as humans love to play the blame game and point the finger at the 'other', but the 'other' is always simply reflecting back to us the very unresolved darkness lodged within ourselves - all the fear, hatred, conflict and non-forgiveness within us and at the root of all our problems. All of this inner darkness must be recognized, addressed, healed and released collectively by humanity in order for us to progress forward as a society. Only once we are willing to recognize the darkness within ourselves, which is feeding into the collective societal darkness we can all see so clearly upon the world stage, will we be able to step forward into the light of the dawning of the new age which is upon us, the consciousness of a New Earth that is already being birthed by those of us who are awakening into unity.
What the aftermath of this election has clearly revealed, is that humanity is collectively not quite ready for unity just yet, and has her work set out for her in the coming months. Until the people begin to see their own inner darkness and accept the role they have played in creating the darkness that most seem still to be projecting wholly upon the 'other', regardless of who that collective 'enemy' may be, and begin to recognize that the corrupt system enslaving us is but a reflection of societal corruption lodged deep within the soul of our nation and ourselves as individuals, American society will remain in a perpetual state of division, conflict and endless suffering.
We have until now walked every path there is to walk except the one path which will move us forward as a society and as a species, and that path is the path of collective spiritual evolution. There is only one path which will ever truly end government corruption, and that is the path of inner transformation, without which no real lasting and positive societal transformation can ever take place.
The power lies in each and every one of our hands as individuals, and as long as we continue to give that power away to those outside of us, whether by blaming the other political party or a foreign 'enemy' or anyone but ourselves, or by expecting the government or any other institution to solve our problems for us, we remain dis-empowered and stuck in the cycle of endless suffering and enslavement which has plagued humanity for centuries.
Though it may not appear so on the surface, we as a species are collectively moving forward as the Great Awakening intensifies, and this too is reflected in the insanity seen in the election aftermath. The closer humanity comes to collective liberation from the darkness, the more the insanity of the darkness we have been wallowing in for centuries comes to the surface to be seen, healed and released. Rather than a sign of impending doom, this can rightly be seen as a sign of major positive change just around the corner.
And regardless of one's views of President Trump and the election outcome, the madness seen in the election aftermath is yet another major reflection the Great Awakening humanity is currently navigating. Aaron Abke and J. Griff of The Great Awakening Podcast do a great job reporting on current events in this election aftermath episode, demonstrating once again that the Great Awakening continues to march forward at a rapid rate of speed.
Facing our collective Shadow, to use the terminology of Carl Jung, is the great societal work of our times, in order that, having faced our inner darkness, we will soon be free to collectively step into the light of love and peace, finally leaving the insanity of our past behind us where it belongs. Until then, expect the crazy to intensify upon the world stage, and don't get sucked into the narratives of fear and polarization being parroted across the news and social media networks, which only serve to divide and dis-empower us.