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"Kiel" Hauled

"Kiel" Hauled

Jun 15, 2023

Well what a cheeky little delight the port of Kiel is for a quick jaunt!


First things first obviously I had to go coffee hunting so I hit up Mu:d Cafe for a cheeky oat milk flat white. At 5 euro a pop she aint cheap but the cafe itself is gorgeous and comfy and the wifi is fast af.

See below for Fast As F*ck references

So I thoroughly recommend as the first stop to start your day fresh off the boat. Very instagrammable which is clearly a thing in Germany as many of the cafes shared this feature of being very very cute. I shared a coffee with fellow Guest Entertainer Caroline Ravn who is a Swedish magician and she spent the entire time stealing my things with sleight of hand. Don't ever play cards with a Swedish magician is the lesson I learned

Downtown Kiel

It's a decent little high street full of everything you might need if you've just got off a boat and only have a few hours. Some of the times I'll write helpful touristic articles featuring all the wonderful parts of an area. Sometimes it will be from the crew perspective of can you get off and get the basic amenities you miss living on board! So yeah, downtown Kiel has heaps of the regular shops you'd want (tk maxx, decathlon, grocery store, coffee and wifi etc)

Coffee Number 2

Right coffee number 2 was at Tjorvi's which is a vegan Waffle House and cafe. I'll be honest it had its ups and downs. The positives - it might be the most aesthetically pleasing cafe I've ever been in - it was absolutely gorgeous. If you're gonna do a basic b*tch shoot this is the place to go to. The waffles were amazing and as I mentioned its fully vegan cafe.

The downside - the coffee wasn't great and the wifi didnt work on the day!! Which obviously is my number one reason for visiting (the coffee that is).


Beware the hair

Right so I needed a haircut so I did the classic thing of looking on google for highly rated barbers as I heard there were some really good ones in Kiel.

And there are

And I got a great haircut

But oh my lord I got absolutely shafted by a bunch of lads who saw me coming a mile off and obviously tried to squeeze me for every tourist penny they could

I went to Donido Barber. And credit where its due the haircut was decent

But they tried to charge me 60 euro for it (bear in mind around the town the general price ranges between 20-30 euro). I managed to charm my way down to 40 euro because the guy had been real shifty about agreeing a price beforehand and no prices were listed (classic I should have seen it coming)

They did the whole get you in the chair without committing to a price thing!

But like I said - at least the haircut was decent. I just reckon you could get the same haircut from around the corner for 25 euro and without the stress. Here's me post haircut last night singing :)

And that's my summary of my brief day in Kiel. Some coffees and a haircut. Hardly Pulitzer Prize winning writing but it may prove helpful to someone stopping off there on a ship with just a few hours :)



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