Speak gently...

Speak gently...

Nov 19, 2022


You cannot fix an ill by going to war; only talking will solve it 

You cannot fix an ill by jumping up and down; only talking will solve it 

You cannot fix an ill by shouting very loud, only talking will solve it 

But you cannot talk sense; without listening first and that's true of every one of us.

Speaking our minds...

Speaking our minds is a privilege; yet many of us choose to shout. 

Why? Often for fear of not being heard, fear of the very thing we are shouting about and fear of being insignificant in this world. 

But shouting closes ears and minds and in the end a closed mind is what delivers wars, famine and disaster and that's not what we want.

Shouting also destroys love and that's important too.

So ...

Speak gently my friends, listen first and hear what's being said and why and make choices which serve each of us loudly.  

It's not about winning, it's about coexisting and that my friends, with you, is a joy. 

A thank you 

- to @drstevemarshall for his gentle musing today which prompted this quiet contemplation 🙏. 

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