Stefan Powell
36 supporters


Feb 19, 2022


Pause in the knowledge that you need it

Pause in the knowledge that you deserve

Pause in the knowledge that you are enough

Pause in the knowledge that you are heard


Pause in the knowledge that you mean something

Pause in the knowledge that you need time

Pause in the knowledge that you are loved

Pause in the knowledge that you have climbed


Pause in the knowledge that you have tomorrow

Pause in the knowledge that you have today

Pause in the knowledge that you have earned your rest

Pause in the knowledge that you have sway


some explanation….

  • too seldom do we pause to enjoy the ‘fruits of our labour’ - we just labour.

  • There is and should be enjoyment in the labour itself… but that’s a whole different story.

  • when we don’t take the pauses we deserve; they are forced upon us by illness and circumstance - choose them. Don’t let them choose you.

  • Protect your pauses; enjoy them for they are your saving grace and you deserve grace

stefan 19/02/2022

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