Authenticity Of Human Strokes (Blog Post ...

Authenticity Of Human Strokes (Blog Post & Start-up)

Jul 02, 2024

I was thinking about creating a writing platform where copy-paste is not allowed, and every input is validated through ongoing human CAPTCHA checks. This would prove that every word is written by a human, ensuring the authenticity of the content.

Some argue that most people wouldn't care, as long as the content is clean, readable, typo-free, and logically sound. They might say, “Who cares if it's written by a person or a robot? In the end, we probably operate on the same principles as GPT when it comes to the statistical nature of language, and GPT is likely less biased.”

The current version of GPT may not be there yet, still requiring human oversight to make the content acceptable as authentic. However, the next generation of GPT could potentially surpass human writing abilities to the extent that generated text would match the level of Shakespeare for those who appreciate Shakespeare and be tailored for children based on user preferences. If that happens, the question remains whether there will still be value in genuine human input and if people will still be willing to write.

There is no guarantee, though, that this system would not be hacked by AI, leading to scenarios where a person manually retypes what GPT prepared for them, or the AI eventually types on the keyboard as a person does. This could escalate to needing cameras to monitor fingers and eyes... creepy, I know.

I believe that while not many people who appreciate performing two-digit multiplication in their heads, similarly, they might not be willing to put words together in a way that flows harmoniously. However, if some people remain willing to write, there will also be people willing to read their work. Just as there are artists who create paintings, even though it might not be hard to reproduce that art, it matters that a living human being created it.

And that is where such a system I’ve just described might shine.

Authentic Frog 🐸 Princess 👸. Pic 📸 taken by the author.

Let me know what you think, authentic people!


This article was written in the bathtub, authentically from my phone. I guess no proof is required.

TODO: create a software project, an app that would implement described requirements. Looking for your support ! I am planning to hire a student to help me with that. To make it more tha sinless person effort.

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