“Alonso is a really good manager, and he ...

“Alonso is a really good manager, and he will do it at Liverpool.”

Feb 03, 2024

Cesc Fabregas, who played for Arsenal, expressed his thoughts on becoming Liverpool's successor.

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp will step down at the end of this season. Manager Klopp announced his intention to leave Liverpool, saying, “I have run out of energy.” Therefore, reports are already pouring in about coach Klopp's future and his successor.

Global sports media 'The Athletic' reported on the 2nd (Korean time) that 'Klopp may take over as the new head coach of the German national soccer team or the U.S. national soccer team after leaving Liverpool.' There is a high possibility that Klopp will become one of the most popular managers.

The names of candidates for Liverpool's successor continue to emerge. The most likely candidate is Leverkusen (Germany) coach Xabi Alonso. Fabregas played for Arsenal. Fabregas spoke highly of Xabi Alonso through the 'BBC' podcast.

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