Jon Swanson
41 supporters
When little things are disrupted.

When little things are disrupted.

Mar 22, 2024

Dear coffee supporter -

The chaplaincy office at our largest hospital was moved recently. All of us are learning new traffic patterns (we’re closer to the Emergency Department and Intensive Care Units), new workstation dynamics (at most we have four in the office during shift change, but we used to have six workstations and now have four), new locations for office supplies. And, when we first moved, we didn’t have our coffee machine and couldn’t have a hot water pot.

It’s possible that the coffee convenience was the most disruptive.

I’m used to having coffee with me as a comforter of sorts. It’s been this way for decades. I don’t drink as much as I used to, but I keep coffee (or tea) nearby for a sip while I think. It’s less about the caffeine, more about the familiarity.

During the last part of a challenging shift last week, the facilities team finished running the water line and installing the coffee machine. I was relieved. Perhaps more than I want to admit.

You know the feeling, I’m guessing. We work through big disruptions with more grace and strength than we imagine we could. We help people in crisis, we keep breathing through our own crises. But then, that little thing is affected and we are suddenly, unexpectedly, disoriented.

I’m doing better with the move now. I’ve had a few shifts in the new office, I’ve helped some people through some difficult times. And the coffee machine works.

Thanks for your support. I’m grateful.



Last week at my Finding Words in Hard Times, I wrote a note to friends who are recently grieving. If you haven't seen it, you may find it helpful.

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