Ayo Oti
11 supporters
Help fund Sounds Like Impact's first pro ...

Help fund Sounds Like Impact's first project!

Aug 16, 2023

Reparations Throughout the Ages: A Blueprint for Conversations About Climate Reparations

Discussions about reparations have been in the headlines with increasing frequency, so let's unpack what is happening globally, particularly regarding calls for climate reparations.

This series will provide foundational information (e.g. what are reparations?), case studies of both successful and unsuccessful reparations movements--though how should success be assessed is a question!, and insights on present day conversations with a deep dive into calls for climate reparations.

Come back to school for a "semester" with Sounds Like Impact! No student loans required.

Project Intentions:

The goal of the curriculum series is to become informed and engage in thoughtful conversations about what it means to repair harm.

The goal would be to launch some time in mid-November to overlap somewhat with the upcoming UN climate conference COP28 (Nov. 30 - Dec. 12) so we can discuss in real-time some of the conversations that will likely come up there.

The Ask:

I want to make this series, and for this content to not live within a paywall. I will need community support to make it happen. Feel free to give whatever you would like; any amount helps. Also, for a limited time you can get a 20% discount on the paid subscription of Sounds Like Impact.

Sharing this project with others would also be a huge help. The more interest, the more potential for funding. Again, I don't intend to paywall this content ever, but I also can't come out of pocket for all of the costs.

Curriculum Components:

  • 3-4 special edition newsletters featuring relevant podcasts, articles and other CTAs

  • Dedicated Substack discussion forums for each edition

  • Two virtual events - A kickoff and culmination event

    • Virtual sessions will be recorded and made available.

  • A PDF guide

Funding to be used for (in order of priority)...

  • Honorariums for expert speakers - I would like to invite at least one, but at most two, scholars / activists to speak at virtual events

  • A copy editor

  • A designer for the curriculum PDF

  • Zoom subscription

  • Ongoing administration of the newsletter.

Thank you for reading! Feel free to reach out with any questions: [email protected].

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