20,000 trees and more time

20,000 trees and more time

Sep 12, 2022


Gosh, it's a long time since I shared about planting 495 trees. I wanted to share that through the tree planting purchases with Eden Reforestation Projects' employ-to-plant approach, and your support and those of my patrons, it's amazing to say that we've now enabled the planting of over 20,000 trees together. Even if they're small, even if they need looking after until they can make it on their own, that's a big contribution to communities and restoring environments.

In particular, we've contributed to planting in Madagascar. Here's what Eden has to say about their work in Madagascar:

More than 90% of Madagascar's primary forests are destroyed, impacting people living in extreme poverty the most.

Madagascar is one of the world’s top biodiversity conservation priorities because of its endemic species and severe habitat loss rates. Reforestation in Madagascar is important because the destruction of the mangrove estuaries along the coastline has caused mudflats to wash into the ocean, destroying once-productive fisheries and increasing the vulnerability of coastal communities to hurricanes, tsunamis, and floods. In the dry deciduous forests, deforestation threatens one of the world’s rarest and most diverse forest systems.

With 93 project sites, Madagascar is our most prolific reforestation and poverty alleviation project nation. We have extensive infrastructure such as guardhouses, fire towers, and seed banks. We also developed a training center for local nursery managers to gain hands-on experience in seedling management and effective reforestation techniques.

Also, I plan to have more time to spend on Sketchplanations in the future — not just evenings and weekends. Thanks for the coffee, it's one of the things that's helped make this possible 🙏🙏

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