What is the Essence of YOU?

What is the Essence of YOU?

Jul 06, 2021

Update 6 July 21 by Silver Dove


After this information of what is in the Pfitzer Quaxine, I needed a pause and asked me oracle what helps us now to focus on.
check it out at: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/07/breaking-discovery-the-actual-contents-inside-pfizer-vials-exposed/

Life, as we know it in this body, is in a matrix, kind of a school. People are born and learn how to life within the limitations of this matrix. But our eventual goal is to leave this school/matrix and reconnect with our spiritual Self.


We are brought up in this illusion that the life we have here is the only reality and that we need to identify ourselves with this body. That power is a source outside of us and we need to worship entities outside of our Selves to be successful.

If you contemplate this with more than your linear mind, you will see pretty soon that something does not sound right….

If you look at a living body and a a dead one you can see a big difference, but in the death body nothing physical is missing. It’s all still there.. but its matter starts to fall apart and the life flow of the body juices stopped. What happened?

It must be very obvious if someone thinks a bit further than how to be successful, famous, good looking, eat out and make money etc, that there is something more important to us than the physical body, our physical presence.


We can compare our life journey to a Mandala, each experience is a form and color that forms a fragment. We go round and round year after year and add a layer to the Mandala. At the end of our physical life we sit in the center of the Mandala, the place of stillness and contemplate it, look at our lives.

We can focus on this point of stillness before we die. We can start to go into the center of stillness and focus on the center, find inspiration here and work from here. Not in the frenzy of running round and round in the circle!

If we are in the center and aware of the merry go round of the world, then we can find peace of mind. Use the heart brain!

In a life in this matrix, there is only a small part of who we really are inserted in this body. The greater part of “ME” is still on the other side of the veil. This part of Spirit is what makes the body move. It has temporarily separated itself from the Whole, and is here to experience 3D and bring this experience “home” to the higher dimension, where such experience is not possible. Therefore we are here to experience the 5 physical senses and be in this way the eyes, ears etc. of the Divine right now here in this lower dimension.

Once this Divine ME leaves the body, the body expired and deteriorates. The ME goes back home.

To go back to the essential of our lives is to start to observe our human personality better and start to focus on our Self as the only source we give our power to. Start to use affirmations like: “Dear Spirit inside, please tell me what I need to know today”.

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