Update 19 July 22 by Silver Dove
Update with the Dakini Oracle
It s time again to talk with the Oracle. What is really important now and why certain thing have to happen.
As it is very visible in the SkyView Astrology chart, there are still a lot of thing hidden and not visible for the masses.
It is not hidden for all, those who have access to their intuition/inspiration will know what happens when they see it.
I was very much surprised that some time ago, when I looked at messages or even video clips, I suddenly had very clear visions of what the “background” to the “foreground” is and it’s also very clear now why.
The “foreground” is often the alternative media, the MSM is still lying a lot but you can see that truth starts to seep trough every where.
It also is clear that the masses are not ready for the truth when you see how many are still wearing face diapers, even in most countries its not mandatory anymore. I had to go shopping the “big one” this morning and in the big shop everyone was wearing a mask, I was the only one without and one of our staff who came along put in on but pulled it down under the nose… she didn’t want to completely stand out. It’s very interesting that I felt kind of “naked” without, even though I never wear one and in the time of mandatory masks of 2 year, I had only one fabric mask that I had to wear for 2 min walking into a restaurant, and take if off when I sit… I used to take a bottle of water with me and started immediately to drink some water for example when I had to wait for the car in the shop… and used all kind of tricks. The only place I needed to wear it was that shopping place and I bought another freezer that I can store the meat for the dogs etc. for about 6 weeks, so I had to go only about every 1 ½ month for those products.
Now the oracle shows that there is still for the masses the “3fold riddle” that meaning that they still don’t get it what is happening. What is very surprising for me is that they, even though most of people here I met feel that they don’t want to wear a mask, but they got so used to it that they keep wearing it even now. If we look at the body language, they are still hiding their face and are afraid not to obey and be accepted. This is very much the topic of my last video with Suchada.
The second card for the “masses” is the “Mother of Pearls” which indicates that a lot of people still waste their time and don’t learn from experience – e.g. that it is not comfortable to wear a mask – and repeat the pattern and damage their health.
So they have to “dive” even much deeper until they understand and start to take back their power. Maybe not in this life time, since most of them also are vaxed. They might need this experience because many people can see the light on their dead bed. It does not matter how much time we have left when we wake up, if it’s just a couple minutes before the physical death, their time line will be a different one.
Now the Joker indicates that those who have gone beyond all the rules and stand up with courage, who don’t care what others think or if they “loose face”are the ones that will win that war.
The ones with a consciousness that has moved beyond the just “earthly” thinking and sees things with “cosmic eyes” will be those who leading the ones still here in a physical body in a few years when this is all over.
I am thrilled when I see some young ones, born after 2012, how much different they are and how my love they have. You can see it especially when they interact with animals. Many are so awake and I post below a pic of my two grand daughters. My son said they are so loving and is totally in love with his family
If you have a chance to make a difference and especially inform people about what the vax is doing to children, then this would be a very important call for you. Even though I believe that every thing is on the perfect way, I still think that many can move on much more easy if they have help from awakened ones. Please stand up for the truth. It’s what I said before in a post a couple days ago:
...an avalanche starts with a small amount of snow, maybe a crack or a snowball ... therefore those few who start a movement are like the beginning of an avalanche...It will change the "landscape"...it's the only way to do it and this is why an individual (yes, you and me) can do something that leads to a huge impact and change!
Be that snowball that starts an avalanche!
The time will move on and we are now able to get rid of all the things that can hold us back, the “Wheel of Great time” shows that we are part of the big cosmic game and choose ourselves what we want to experience!
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