Trust resides in the heart!

Trust resides in the heart!

Jun 14, 2021

Update 14 June 21 by Silver Dove

Trust resides in the heart!

Trust and love are very closely connected. If you trust, you also can love. This is a prerequisite to a peaceful mind.

Jealousy is an illness, an imbalance because of the programmed mind that believes you can “posses” something and even someone. Every thing we have is lent to us for our experience. As Lord Buddha said, the problem is attachment.

If we can let go and trust that every thing we need to experience is here, we are able to let go of jealousy and greed.

The heart is the place of innocence. The mind is the place where duality fights and absolutely want to be right. Must be right, otherwise the mind fights and poisons the innocence of the heart.


People are so full of what they want and don’t want, of the games of the mind that they even don’t realize anymore what life is about.

One thing that I heard yesterday has shocked me deeply: in Germany they asked people who got the vaccine why they got it. All of those asked said a reason like
- going back to normal life
- want to go for a holiday
- because I want to fit into my “clan”
- to be able to do what I want

Not one person said for protection from! The reasons are all coming from the mind, from the habit of life.. now I want to go for a holiday and if it takes a v.a.x… without knowing what they inject in the body. Ego….

If there would be a pandemic that would justify such drastic measures, whole villages would be wiped out, like in the time of the bubonic and other plagues… so what is really going on? Where are the death? More death in a couple month of this than in the last 15 years together from a total of all v.a.x!

So many people have given up the trust in their own divine knowing, in their own heart that tells you always what is next for you.

This is about Ego VS Trust…. In an egoistic personality there is no trust….! They will not find peace of mind and are being driven by habit and program of the mind to want more and more and more and more….


I surrender to the Divine within and ask her/him to guide, protect and inspire me today.

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