The Importance of Visualization

The Importance of Visualization

Aug 24, 2022

Update 24 Aug 22 by Silver Dove
The importance of visualization and a special offer

This morning I was checking the Oracle for a message for today for every one, for the world.

The importance of visualization in the process of conscious creation is very important and so many people create totally unconscious. Every thing that is in our lives is created by us. If we are in midst of drama or peace, it’s up to us.

One of the most misunderstood issues is the way how to use the power of thoughts to manifest. We are also trained (brainwashed) into using a language and to use it that it does not serve us, but those who control us.

I so often hear the saying: Don’t worry be happy!

Now I just use this sample for everything that is about creating: the cosmic creative energy can not perceive negation. Therefore if we use negations in our thoughts that create emotion with is the fuel for creation, we get the opposite.


Like what people are saying in the sample above is that you can only be happy if you worry, because what goes out is ”…. worry - be happy”. This is a very clever programming and we have to admit that the controllers did their homework, but most of the people did not. They just went along with what they were taught and didn’t question it, so the programming and the lies got worse and worse… and today we see the results very clearly.

These cards of the Dakini Oracle indicate that we have already created the outcome and have to visualize more clearly what we want. The castle is already there in the cloud, but not manifested yet here. We need to pull It down into our reality and this is possible with visualization.

Once we understand the secrets again how we create and manifest, then we are free to play the game with our own rules, like the Joker indicates.

The “Hot Seat” shows that we are all in a trial period of being tested how sincere we are about moving forward and on another timeline, to learn to manifest, stop complying, get informed what really is going on, to let go of the old habits and get out of our comfort zone.


Many years ago I wrote a little booklet about manifestation: “The secret of the Abundance Box” and how to consciously create. It is aligned with the cycle of the moon and used some very simple instructions that are easily understood. If you like, I am happy to send you the PDF for a cup of coffee… send me a message here or an email at my katharinabless at
You will receive the answer from my private email - not a gmail - with with the name silverdove.

Please write in the subject line “Abundance”


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