Pearls of Wisdom with Katharina Bless
Holly - Love, Wholeness, Joy, Peace
this morning I was asking for a message for my followers , I had the strong feeling that a flower remedy now would be perfect. I used the Bach Flower remedies since 1981, most people know them and they are available. We have many more here and also created a set of Asian Flower remedies, but they are not available widely.
I have written this book from the Spiritual point of View and many tell me, that already reading the chapter helps to resolve the issue and that pain went away while reading it. Especially a paragraph that created a big "AHA" experience and it felt like a blockage went away. It did... (-:
This is the copy of a chapter of my book "Flower Healing Power" that you can buy from me directly.
15. Holly
Ilex aquifolium
How Blessed am I
To Be within
Each exquisite moment
That rejoices...
That sings of the sweetness
Of Being.
Oh joyful Love
Awaken me further
Forever onwards
To My Self.
My name-sister Katharina Bereza from Australia sent me this poem, which I think begins this chapter perfectly!
The Holly Flower helps us return to a state of Love, to the feeling of connectedness with the Divine Self at the core of our being. It guides us to the bliss of true Love.
Holly represents the center, or heart of the 38 Bach Flower remedies. It is the key to the heart and to our higher consciousness. ( to the heat brain cells) It is also the key to well-being and health in our physical, emotional and mental bodies. Holly energy leads us to true happiness.
The Holly Topic:
As the name “Holly” implies, this flower relates to being “holy,” or wholly Divine.
We usually misuse the word “love” by using it to talk about things that simply make us feel good: “I love this or that….” But this fleeting fulfillment of our senses or emotional body has nothing to do with the kind of Love (with a capital letter), which is the subject of this chapter.
The common use of the word “love” refers to romantic feelings of infatuation or sentimentality - emotions which only temporarily make us happy. True Love is a state of being. Those who live in Love consciousness, or Divine Love, do not talk about it. Instead they radiate pure Love and have a subtle energy field surrounding them, an aura of warmth, gentleness, humour, kindness and caring.
Ancient Greece had three words for the three different kinds of love. Agape is Divine and unconditional love. The other two are more connected with the emotional body – “Amos” and “Eros”, or romantic and erotic love. The Latin languages use the derivative from the word “Amos” in Italian: “amore” and in French “amour”, this states clearly the connection to the emotional “Amos” in Greece. Unfortunately we have no word in our modern languages to express the Divine Love “agape”.
Throughout life we experience many different kinds of love. When we are born, most of us experience the loving care of our parents, which all to often changes into conditional love which we only receive when we are well behaved - and is withdrawn when we are naughty. Once beaming and proud parents suddenly become cold, hostile and angry. This is frightening and confusing for a child.
So we soon learn that to survive and be loved we have to behave in certain ways. “Aha,” our child’s mind thinks, “If I do this, others will love me. So I better do it this way if I want to be loved” until eventually our disguised behaviour no longer works. What is cute and endearing in a child becomes unattractive and annoying in a teenager or adult. Our old methods of getting love are no longer accepted and we become more and more confused and disillusioned. It is then that we try to find out what “love” really is.
Small children and teenagers often realize that showing anger is their surest way of getting attention. If they are ignored often and over a period of time, they will begin “acting out,” adopting all kinds of weird strategies and games to try and get the love and attention they need. If the 3 year old starts to scream loudly over a candy the mother doesn’t want to buy, he gets the attention of the whole store and the mother probably will buy the candy because of embarrassment! Children are very intelligent and learn fast. They also comprehend instinctively that they can manipulate adults in certain situations to get anything they want through observing the immediate reactions of “their grown-ups”
When we reach young adulthood, we connect love more and more with sexual and sensual pleasure. Good sexual experiences can make us feel happy, fulfilled and at one with the universe for some time but alas these feelings are all too fleeting. Searching for the same feelings of union again, we turn to wanting more and more sex but the feeling of completeness and happiness from sexual experience gets lost and there remains a certain sense of unfulfilment and tiredness. Often, because young adults are told sex is forbidden, for example before marriage, and have to suppress their impulses, unreleased sexual energy and frustration turns into aggression, and from there it may lead to all kinds of perverted sexual practices.
Religions tell us that sex is sinful, but our bodies tell us differently: sex feels good! So we are in a strange dilemma and since it is in our nature and the “implanted programs” to want to “be good” in the eyes of the world, we suppress our body’s need for sexual release, thinking this will make us good or “holy” since we have been told so. Thus begins a vicious cycle of suppressed sexual energy boiling over into hostility and aggression.
Emotional and physical experiences of sensual and sexual love are very important in the process of developing real Love, the Love that is unconditional and connected to our heart brain.
Many people hardly ever listen to their hearts and this is why they often fall prey to illness as they become older. By the time we are in our thirties we should learn how to love and our heart brain should be active by forty – this can only occur when we open ourselves for Love. It is time for us to reconnect with the Divine, to open our hearts to receive the true blessings of love. In younger generations the children are born with more connection to the heart and actually we were too, but this connection was interrupted with all the brainwash of society, school and religion.
The heart brain is related to our immune system. When the heart brain not active, an energy blockage occurs. Energy blockages manifest themselves in the physical body in what we call illness or disease. When the heart brain is disrupted and disconnected from the body, physical symptoms will appear due to a weak immune system and the body will begin to age and slowly die.
It takes courage to listen to the heart brain. Most of us are afraid of loving others because we believe it makes us vulnerable and we fear rejection. At least this is what emotional or romantic love has taught us. It all too often leads to disappointment and pain, to feelings of being abandoned and alone. So the steps towards unconditional love may seem insurmountable.
But if we risk stepping into the unknown and opening ourselves to this higher Love, we will soon realize that this Love is not the emotional and sexual desire that is connected to conditional love. This Love has the beauty and vastness of the ocean. It has the vitality of sunlight and the soothing coolness of the Moonlight.
Love is all there is: Love is life, Love is God and Goddess, Love is a prerequisite for enlightenment. In Divine Love there is no rejection: neither enemies nor victims no preferences, neither attachment nor hatred. There is only Pure Love, radiating without discrimination or judgment.
Those around people who have “fallen in love with the Divine” maybe in a meditation retreat while protected from the negativity of the world around them, will probably tease them, telling them that they will soon “wake up” and come back to reality, no longer seeing the world through “rose-coloured glasses”. They can’t understand what happened and see it through their “gray coloured every-day-glasses” and, this unfortunately is true more often than not. Most of us can’t remain in this high level of consciousness because we live in our physical bodies and in this earthly experience and our egos and personalities are still dominated by fear. So these moments of heaven on earth, these precious moments do not last very long for most of us since we still have fear in us – but these are the precious moment that change our lives forever, causing us to seek further and won’t let us rest until we finally find peace.
It takes courage and determination to withstand the diversions and entertainments of present day life and seek beyond the merely sensual pleasures of love. Eventually all of us finally become disillusioned by “normal life,” and become spiritually hungry for something more. It is at this point that we learn meditation or sign up for courses in esoteric disciplines to rise up to these precious moments of total love. We learn finally how to prolong the time of this blissful consciousness more and more, until we have learned and earned to live in the high consciousness of Divine Love.
Those who have reached the consciousness of unconditional love never ask for anything. They pour forth love like a fountain of sparkling, cool refreshing water. The cooling bliss of their energy is intoxicating and uplifting to all present.
This all-encompassing Divine Love shines and radiates on everyone within its radius. It may be for those people exposed to this Divine Love that the veil of illusion might lift and they too can see themselves as part of the Divine for a precious moment. People in this state of Love consciousness transmit well-being and harmony to everyone they encounter and attract avid followers who would like to stay around them all the time.
This is the energy and vibration of a person moving towards enlightenment, towards peace and bliss as a natural way of life. Unconditional love transcends the normal state of being and they become channels of pure energy that improves their health, well-being, and harmony, while making them appear youthful. The following poem, channeled from an entity who calls himself Ephides (in a German book I have), aptly expresses Divine Love:
Love is always the same
No matter with who’s voice it may speak
Through who’s hands it may bless you
Whenever Love meets You
Recognize the face of the Divine
Love is always the same
True Love is impossible to be expressed in words. It makes us sing with joy, or even weep in gratitude; it thrusts us into a completely different level of being-ness, into an ocean of wellness, joy and peace.
Those with an open heart no longer suffer from fear or hatred, envy or jealousy, anger or resentment. They feel completely safe and secure, resting in the arms of Divine Trust, knowing that everything is according to Divine Time and Order, and their true life-path will unfold just as it is meant to.
People with open-heart radiate like the sun, giving and truly caring about whatever is going on around them.
The redeemed Holly personality:
Redeemed Holly personalities have a calming and reassuring aura felt by everyone they encounter. Small children and animals, for example, instinctively trust these personalities. There is a pure light in their eyes that places them above the norm. People around them feel that Redeemed Holly types are truly connected with their heart brain - some would say with God.
“True Love rises spontaneously from within. It is unconquerable and irresistible, growing in power and spreading until it eventually transforms everyone and everything it touches. Humanity will thus attain a new mode of being and live through the free and unhampered interplay of pure love from heart to heart." Meher Baba
Healthy Holly types are open to the world and their fellow human beings. They have the ability to form relationships that are not only expressed in the physical act of love, but go far beyond ordinary love.
In their love-making, redeemed Holly personalities want to connect lovingly with their partners, to unite and become one with their loved one by giving from the purity of the heart. Feelings of oneness become overwhelming for them as they surrender to their partner in total dedication. This exalted feeling is not experienced only in the physical and emotional bodies. There is an extra dimension to this type of lovemaking, a dimension that is difficult to explain in words - a surrendering to bliss and ecstasy - that endures much longer than the mere physical sensation of an orgasm.
These levels of bliss are a gift from the Divine which most people usually experience for only short periods when, for example, we “fall in love” - which literally means falling into a consciousness of love and bliss. We can see the “love-spark” in the eyes of those who have “fallen in love,” they radiate something very attractive and special.
In this state of consciousness, the only real desire is to share our bliss and to see our loved one joyful and happy. At such times, we truly love the whole world and everything in it. There is no thought of taking but only of giving because one has received so much and so abundantly in giving.
The blocked Holly state:
“Love” is probably the most misused word in the universe. People use it for all kind of things that have nothing to do with love, going so far as to use it for such slogans as “I love Coca Cola.”
Blocked Holly types have closed hearts and are not connected to the heart brain at all. The older they become the more problems will appear because of this blockage.
The first signs of a blockage in the heart are within the emotional body. We feel lonely and abandoned and become angry, depressed and/or frustrated easily and often. This is because we are locked in the fear that we will never find real happiness and this may well trigger hatred, jealousy and the envy of others. Depending on our character, we either express our anger or suppress it. In the end, it doesn’t much matter - the only difference may be in how an illness will materialize. This is how addictions may begin, as a relief from frustration. In drinking or taking drugs, we can escape pain and loneliness at least for a short while.
In our world of polarity, of belief in sin and limitation, where sex is declared dirty and only for procreation, we become frustrated and confused. No matter what the powers that be tell us, it is contrary to how we truly feel. Deep inside we know that sexual expression with a loved one is a sacred act of the Divine, descending into physical matter, and that the ecstasy we experience is really a glimpse of Divine Love.
The anti-sex dogma of most religions and societies causes tension and mistrust between males and females, leading to anger and hostility. The first expression of this appears in the emotional body - we become impatient, and irritable, which leads more and more to aggression and violence. But in hurting others, we hurt and destroy ourselves. This is the beginning of war and destruction.
In a society where people are free to live Love, there is no war possible!!
Physical symptoms in the blocked Holly condition:
These include heart attacks, malignant diseases, such as cancer and AIDS, blood disorders, and all symptoms connected with the physical heart, including high blood pressure.
In the early stages of any symptom connected with the heart, Holly will help to support the life energy. It is often used with Star of Bethlehem (to remove blockages) and Honeysuckle (to let go of rigid mindsets).
Keywords for unresolved Holly symptoms:
Heartlessness, rigidity, hatred, jealousy, envy, anger, aggression, blood-lust leading to crime and war, perversion and violence
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