Update 5 September 21 by Silver Dove
Massive chemtrails these days....!
I got some images from one lady of my group and confirmed by others on different continents that there are massive chem-trails in the sky. Images are from Peru and Europe.
So they are spraying again! This month and until mid Oct they will probably try every thing they can to get people sick! So the delta variant is coming this way. Start to take Ivermectin or make your Hydroxychloroquine...
Remember hot to make it? Take the peal of 1 of grapefruit and 3 lemon, cock and simmer for 3 hours with a good lid, let it cool and put in bottle in the fridge. Take a tbs 3 times a day when you feel good, more when you feel sick. Check with kinesiology. Very important now to be familiar with this muscle test, then you know exactly what your body needs!
We don't have grapefruit here, but I made it with Lemon/Lime and according to my kinesiology test it works too, just need to take more.
Now it's more important than ever before to keep your immune system up!
It’s also time to get ready the anti spike teas with either pine needles or pineapple. There are probably more remedies, look out for plants with spikes. You can find out every thing if you can do the kinesiology test.
One of the most easy that you can use with nobody seeing you doing it:
Stand in a TaiChi position with the feet apart and the knees not locked.
Close your eyes to test it: say yes… yes...yes and see how your body reacts, usually it pulls you forward
The do the same with: no… no…. No… and it usually pulls you backwards.
Then test it with open eyes, look at a book for example or something you like and check out if this test positive.
Think or say: this book is one I like and then feel the pull forward
Do the opposite with something negative and you should feel a pull backwards.
You have to try a few times and once you are clear, start to test out all your food, medicine etc. to keep yourself healthy. You can also check if the news that you receive is true or not. Just ask: this is true and feel if it pulls you forwards or backwards.
It’s easy… but you have to do it. More than ever NOW!
The energy is shifting massively and as you most likely know, the light won already, but still, we have to be careful in this transition time to stay healthy!
This is how I make the pineapple "tea":
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