Update 21 May 21 by Silver Dove
Today I want to send you some info that is important for many to know who are living around those who are/will be getting the V-injection and what this means in a more spiritual perspective.
In the moment we have to see that many are not ready to make the step into the higher dimension, there are many young souls who do not have enough 3D experience to move on.
There are a lot of “old” souls here who have been here for millennia and they have now graduated and are ready to move on. There are also other souls who have come to assist those and also those have been here many times. You can’t just come here and know what it’s all about to live in 3D.
Before incarnating into a physical body, every thing is clear for the soul, s/he sees the path in front of her/him and it does not look so difficult. Once in the body, when the human has forgotten all about before it is a different story. Even those who have been here many times already, each time you get a new body you have to start at the scratch with the new one and learn to speak, move, behave etc. Many old souls are the talented ones that learn fast and are ahead of the others.
This is not because they are better, but because the have more experience and are therefore faster on the journey. They have more talent because they have more experience and it slowly seeps through the barrier of the unconscious.
Now a lot of souls have decided to cross over and will die in a relatively short time after the shot. They are doing well since the change of the genetic makeup will not have a bit impact on them. Those who are not dying and there DNA is changed are more difficult to handle because of these changes. Their timeline will not be fun and they are going first into a dark energy before they find the way back into the light. But to make sure you understand this, from a spiritual view they are not lost. They are just going another path and it will take longer until they will enter the lighter spheres again. But it is their free choice and we have to bless them, whatever they chose… and let go.
In will put some text into an image it’s easier to post because they can’t detect the special words they are looking for to delete posts.
Please watch the video that gives you a very clear overview what to do and I also have the Ivermectin here and will start to take it if things change here in this area. Protections is better and make sure you strengthen your immune system. If you are at peace and connected with your Self, you will not be in any trouble.
Dr. Christiane Northrup gives new details on C’vac shedding / transmission, especially among women
The process of shifting into a new dimension is not easy and none of us have ever experience it! As long as we are in our habits it is difficult. This is what needs to go. I wrote about that so many time also my readings. It came up again and again that we need to step out of our box of habits and beliefs.