Special gift for Equinox, March 21, 2024

Special gift for Equinox, March 21, 2024

Mar 21, 2024

Pearls of Wisdom with Katharina Bless

Special gift for Equinox, March 21, 2024

Walnut: breakthrough

It was very clear this morning what I should do here and offer you a chapter of my book “Flower Healing Power".

I also add another special offer at the bottom.

Walnut Juglans regia


Walnut energy helps us make a breakthrough in major life-changing situations, such as puberty, leaving home, dealing with ones parents, giving birth, and male and female menopause. It also protects us from the influence of those who want to hold us back.

The Walnut topic:

Every change in life brings the risk of facing situations where we no longer know what is going to happen. We are no longer “surfing in known waters.” What was familiar and easy before is no longer so.

When we are young, we still find change exciting and the courage to take risks and trying new things comes easily. As we grow older, however, we generally become more cautious, less willing to take risks and start new ventures. We give excuses such as: “Now I have a family and I need stability to be able to support them. I need the security of my job and income…..” This is the time when a part of us begins to die. This is the beginning of the aging process, when the spirit itself seems to stagnate.

Sometimes it doesn’t take much to break old habit patterns. Perhaps such a small change as wearing a new style of clothing, trying a completely different haircut, or booking a holiday to a place you have never been before can be the start of major breakthroughs in our attitudes towards life. Allow yourself to go beyond a boundary or limitation that you have never crossed before. It is acceptable and natural to start with “baby steps.”

When we are ready to confront a new idea, to really look at it and become willing to try it, we may find to our surprise that we like it. It may bring a breath of fresh air into our life and we may find that it is extremely life supporting. This new energy we feel brings adventure and sparkle back into our lives.

The Walnut flower contains a lot of active energy to help us “push through” whatever we are facing. We are all used, conditioned if you like, to doing things in certain ways, often inherited from our ancestors, sometimes even from many centuries ago. But today we live in a time of enormous change and it is difficult for most of us to be really open to something new. We may adapt to some things in our minds, but to really alter a long-held behaviour pattern is difficult.

Most of our actions and reactions are automatic. We never have to think about how to walk when we are walking, nor to think how to reach out for something before our hand stretches out to grab it. Our bodies react within a split second of receiving a message from our brains. Our bodies also have many automatic functions that go on without our conscious control, such as breathing, digesting our food, or the beating of our heart. Looked at in this way, we see that our body is a well functioning and precise instrument. Many of our body’s functions are instinctive, passed on from our ancestors, and are mainly engineered for our survival. Other bodily movements and behaviour are the result of our education. This is why we find different behaviour patterns in different countries.

When you leave your own country, you find that people in other places live very different lives. Even then, most of us are not really able to adapt, so people of the same nationality set up areas where they live as if they were in “their own neighborhood back home.” This is why we find such ghettos as China Town, the Indian Quarter, or Little Italy, where the cultures of the “old country” are continued. These ghettos even have local shops where astute vendors import goods from their Mother country so immigrants don’t have to change their lifestyle.

If you eat food from other cultures’ you might attain an insight into that particular country’s lifestyle and have the opportunity of understanding the people. If you learn their language, even more integration is possible. All it takes is the courage to move on to new things and let go of old habits.

In this energy field we also find those we call dropouts from society, people who had the courage to start a new life within their own way of thinking, famous teachers who pursued the spiritual path and also others, including the “clochards” sleeping under the bridges in Paris.

Walnut, together with Honeysuckle, helps us to let go of old patterns and to move on, to evolve and grow.

The redeemed and healthy Walnut personality:

Here we find the pioneer types who leave old and familiar places to move on to new shores. They are adventurous and hard to hold in one place. I just heard in my head the song: “I Was Born under a Wanderin’ Star…” that gives an impression of the archetypal picture of this kind of people. These pioneers explore new fields and areas and when the new areas become overpopulated, they move. Here we find the trailblazers who move on to help others find their way to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Healthy Walnut types are completely open to new things and never become stuck in old patterns. They carry a strong Uranus (break-through) energy. Healthy Walnut personalities, though, are in some ways rebels and difficult or impossible to control. They tear down old structures and open new ways of thinking. They always “slip through the cracks” and cannot “be filed under definite categories.”

The Uranus and Aquarius energy in this flower can help us to move into the new millennium with a completely new paradigm: winning through peace instead of war, being successful through love rather than under pressure and difficult competition, and earning money by doing something we like and are good at, not just having to work at some hateful job merely to make the money to survive.

Redeemed Walnut personalities are also wanderers on the esoteric path. They have much depth and are often stirred to discover the inner landscapes of human consciousness. Healthy Walnut types will not rest until they find the Divine within. They may become psychologists who are searching for the soul, or scientists, such as Einstein and others, who are seldom understood but are often geniuses who make great breakthroughs in their field of research.

Redeemed Walnut types have to be free to reach their goals. Sometimes they are held back by strong family connections or by dominating and domineering people who are close to them. If this happens, Walnut types become frustrated and no longer able to make clear decisions but instead will be extremely vulnerable for accidents.

The blocked Walnut state:

People in a blocked Walnut state always postpone making decisions. They want to sleep on it over and over again, and always promise others they will act tomorrow. There is no tomorrow, it never comes and so they grow impatient and irritated.

The following little story clearly illustrates this point:

There was a sign in front of a restaurant that said: “Tomorrow free beer.” Many people visited the restaurant the day after they read that sign. But still the sign said: “Tomorrow free beer.” Tomorrow, of course, never came.

Walnut people don’t procrastinate on decisions because their objectives are unclear (Wild Oat), or because they can’t decide what they want (Sclerantus). They simply postpone again and again because they find studying the issue distasteful and fearful and they just want to “hang out” in their clouds.

Many blocked Walnut types had very domineering and controlling parents, teachers, or, later, partners who always made decisions for them. Such blocked Walnut types have difficulty deciding anything.

Actually, here we see the problem of laziness and cowardice in people who never really grow up. Blocked Walnut types attract domineering people into their life because at all costs they want to avoid taking responsibility for themselves and making decisions. They feel better remaining in the role of victim. At least then they can blame others for negative outcomes. They are difficult partners to get along with, as they are always irritated, distracted and scattered.

Physical symptoms in the blocked Walnut condition:

Symptoms are difficult to define because they manifest depending on what type of situation the person is stuck in.

The Walnut flower remedy is indicated for all transitions in life (and used very often together with Honeysuckle to enhance the ability to let go). Examples include breaking through from puberty and having the courage to grow up, midlife crisis (also triggered by Uranus energy), or passing menopause while retaining the ability to move on to new experiences. Walnut is also useful when women are about to give birth.

This flower greatly helps to ease the birth process for both mother and child.

In puberty, we can find the breakthrough to young adulthood manifested by pimples and acne in those who have emotional problems. We often find all kinds of skin-rashes, eczema and herpes here too. As the skin is our physical boundary these indicate something is breaking through on the physical level.

Those who refuse to make decisions are in danger of experiencing accidents that may be the “physical vehicle” forcing a decision upon us.

Also we often find symptoms in the unredeemed Walnut topic in the lungs because the ability to interact, to be in contact with the flow of life, is interrupted. Problems can start with being short of breath, leading into asthma, bronchitis and other lung diseases like tuberculosis and finally in lethal symptoms like lung cancer.

We have to breathe in and out, in and out again and again every day of our lives. We can’t function with only breathing in or only breathing out. Also in life we have to be active then passive, active again then passive, a ceaseless cycle. If we fail to follow action with inaction, then we are forced to become passive or active, depending on which pole we try to avoid. After a long period of activity, for example, we may experience an accident or illness to slow us down. Instead of having a pleasant holiday on the beach, we lie in hospital. So remember to take a break now and then otherwise it might be forced upon you in a way you might not like! Quite often a country will elect a new leader that is calm and relatively laid-back after many years of being led by a very enthusiastic, active leader. A man or woman may be inclined to take up a new partner completely opposite to their last one for a break and a change of pace.

Keywords for unresolved Walnut symptoms:

Inability to make decisions, uncertainty, being impressionable and fickle

My special offer for you for today:

If you are interested to buy the book you can buy it directly from me:
Energy exchange for paying members from this blog: 4 coffee
Energy exchange for every one else: 5 coffee
this includes shipping worldwide.

In addition I will send you:
1. a PDF of the images of all the Bach Flowers for print (best on photo paper)
2. the PDF of the little “The secret of the Abundance Box” Booklet

You can print them out and use them to put a glass of water on a flower and drink it. The energy imprint from the picture will give you the same effect as if you would take the flowers remedies. This is a radionic method and can’t be stored. You have to put the glass of water on the image for about 10+ minutes and then drink it slowly, swishing it around in your mouth a bit to receive the energy imprint of the flower.

Info on private readings: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SilverDove/dakini-oracle-skyview-astrology-readings

Blog with also written readings: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SilverDove

Astrology Blog: https://skyviewastrology.wordpress.com/

Telegram: @KatharinaBless

Pearls of Wisdom (only my videos): https://t.me/+FSEkGVEsmdkwYjk1

Silver Dove Network: https://t.me/joinchat/R-WDl0W6mqMGFiAz

Twitter: @katharinabless

MeWe: www.mewe.com/join/silverdovenetwork

Brighteon Videos: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/silverdove

Rumble Videos: https://rumble.com/user/SilverDove11

You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/@katharinabless5425

Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/katharina-bless-19177a17

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