Solstice Message

Solstice Message

Jun 21, 2021

Update 21 June 21 by Silver Dove

Now we are moving into the Solstice energy, the longest day in the Northern hemisphere and the shortest day in the Southern hemisphere.

This is a moment of an energy shift, the seemingly “turn” of the sun. It is not really that the sun is turning or any thing else, it’s because of the wobble of the axis of the planet that we experience the seasons like this.

The Solstice and Equinox, when the days and nights are the same length and balanced, have always been reason to celebrate and are deeply woven into the legend and myths in the world.

They signify a moment when time changes, when something shifts and the energies are not just special because of the cosmic event, but also because people celebrate and often energy from meditation and prayers are shifting energies.


Now is a very powerful significance in this solstice, and since the main hub of the present C-madness is in the northern hemisphere, it signifies the final energy shift of the downfall of the cabal.

The light that was getting longer and longer every day had an influence on the things happening and people are waking up and start to see what is happening. Now with this also wisdom has awakened in many and the reconnect ion of many individuals to the divine has helped a lot.

Now in the background the White Hats are in control and the pain is coming, as stated by some important players on the world stage. Wisdom has to be applied to what is happening now to shift the energies for the masses.

Most people are completely addicted to “becoming” more and more, and therefore also attract storm clouds at the horizon. Now when we reach a peak, and there is nothing anymore to move on and “become” there is a void and emptiness that for many if very frightening. What now?

Now it’s time to find the sacred space and stillness of the heart, surrender to the heart-brain and rest in there where there is peace, wisdom and joy.

To be there and let go of the pain, knowing that now every thing will shift, will ease the pain and the insecurity in the mind. The mind is addicted to habit and measurable outcome. But now there is no outcome that we can compare with what happened in the past.

The step required to move forward now, is to accept first the idea that all is connected and we are linked with the universe and always have been part of it. Only because our body looks separate, our energy is not. Our energy field mingles with all that is.image


Now when the days become shorter again, the light within us has to be stronger every day to understand what is happening and what has happened on our planet in the zone of free will for many millennium.

You can use this time for a moment of stillness and commit to the path that leads to the light and wisdom. The wisdom energy that is with us when we use the brain cells in the heart to guide us in our life and not those in the brain that are programmed and full of propaganda, pretension and false narratives.

Accept that you are connected and part of the universe and that the only truth you can find is in the heart. But to make that step, you have to step out of the masses first and be responsible for yourself, able to respond to life and if you are not sure what to do use the little affirmation that is changing life:
I surrender to the Divine God/Goddess within and ask her/him to guide me…. help me to solve my problems...inspire me… protect me… etc. how ever you want to formulate this that it comfortable for you and in your language.


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