Powerful Explanations

Powerful Explanations

Sep 05, 2022

Update 5 Sept 22 by Silver Dove
Powerful Explanations

A couple days ago I found a very powerful source of information that explains with profound background info what is happening now and where we stand in this war.

Several people asked me similar questions and they are all answered there. I will provide the link to video 1, which has in the first 7 min an general introduction how this material came together and then the link to video 5 with a very “hot” topic.


As many of you know, I also check out info with kinesiology (muscle test) if I am not sure what is happening and if it is true. There is so much misinformation and purposly seeded false information out there in the “alternative” media, that this is a good way to find out.

I was asking my Dakini Oracle I and got a very interesting answer.

The first card (Maya, how she spins) indicates that the illusion of what is going on has to be adapted to the situation and has to be made that way that those who are doing the work in the background (second card “Treefold Riddle”) can’t be recognized and the masses are not understanding what exactly is going on.

The message of the“Tree Spirit Yakshi” is that every thing is in a perfect rhythm and will unfold like the growth of a tree, going forward step by step with nothing forced that would destroy the “tree” which represents the outcome as portrayed in the “Wave of Bliss” that the negative forces will be washed away and the prophecy of the golden Age is near.

I hope that will give you more courage to stand up and also the importance of not fighting in the “mundane meaning” of the word, but be a spiritual warrior and lead by example. The more you are able to shine your light the faster things will move forward.

Yakshi is showing it: the growth of the tree depends on its environment. If we create the perfect environment for the growth, the tree grows fast and strong. If the tree has not enough sunshine, rain or a good soil, it grows slower and less powerful.

In this way we can understand how each and every body can make a difference in this transition and how important it is to be authentic and connected to the Source, to the Self and to know that taking a stand, not complying and holding the light is the most powerful thing we can do now!


Video 1: Inside the Command Structure of the Alliance to Save the World

Vfideo 5: Operation Warp Speed | Why President Trump does not Publicly Denounce the Vaccine Agenda



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