Update 8 February 22 by Silver Dove
We are all pilgrims on the path to the Unknown.
This morning my shamanic oracle gave me this answer when I asked what Is going on in the world right now. I got the “Unknown” which is the center card of the Sacred Wheel.
I quote the text here, it is so powerful and beautiful to be able to let go of expectation.
We are all pilgrims on the path to the unknown.
We sit in awe and wonder at the architecture of power.
Ripen the receptive void within you, like a womb accepting a seed.
Open yourself to the unknowable, to what is unfamiliar to you,
so that the energy of what you need in order to be while can flow into you.
When you think of yourself an an entity separate from power,
you will obstruct the current and the power will defeat you.
Identify the form of power you want – what you want to accomplish,
build, create or be – and become that
so that there is no separating you
(The Self Card by Rob Schouten)
This is a very powerful message and also in my personal road I just experience a “bend in the road” which was anticipated, but not really seen until yesterday.
If you have listened or read any info on the February Energy with the emerging of the Tiger energy on the Chinese New Year, you know that changes and “glitches” are expected.
The most important message for me was be open for new things and able to move forward on my spiritual path, to become even more of a true spiritual warrior and hold the torch of light even higher.
I have put beautiful tigers on my computer screen as background and greet the energy every morning.
What you resist, persist – what you look at disappears.
I have learned long time ago that we can’t avoid any thing in life, and if we try, it will hunt us down one day in a much more fierce way that it was approaching me the first time as a lesson. Often in form of illness or accidents, major losses or dark nights of the soul.
It seems to me that when I am open to let go, I always have a little candle with me, even in the darkest night.
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