Pearls of Wisdom with Katharina Bless
Dakini Oracle Reading March 30, ‘24:
Fire of Sacrifice – burning away the false Ideals!
These fire cards are coming up again and again, I was asking for the message of today.
This card also stands for the commitment to the path of a true spirituality, which is not something “new age think pink”.
The path to enlightenment is not something for the faint hearted, it requires the total surrender of our brain programs and dogmas.
This card challenges us to recognize the ability of our SELF (not ego) to see and let go all the habits that are damaging our soul path and prevent us from moving forward on the spiritual journey towards ascension and enlightenment.
This is for most a slow step-by-step process which is not painful at all, but connected to the insight that there are things we don’t need anymore. For quite some time this can go forward and then suddenly some big challenges are coming up, good old habits. And I say good because it is connected with “being good” in the eye of the surrounding, the society we grew up in.
Suddenly the teachings and dogmas have no value anymore and our insights tell us that there is more… and that the path that is outlined by clergy and religion is not bringing us to the goal we want to achieve.
We suddenly see that the religion and the new age has been hijacked by the dark forces long time ago and only if we leave, we can achieve true spirituality and reconnect with the Divine within.
All our dogmas/brainwash teach you to give your power away to a God outside of you, so they can “harvest” your energy in many forms.
The Fire of Sacrifice is asking you to let go of all what you have learned and start to look into the mirror of your daily life. What is it that is manifest around you and what does it teach you?
If you understand that you have manifested with your Divine power your life (knowingly or unconscious) you can start to take back your power and use the fire to manifest your spiritual journey and reach the goal that you came for.
Once you understand that, your karma is being burnt away and you can move into higher consciousness levels where you see the truth and then letting go is easy. You see the false prophets, the false matrix and are ready to move beyond.
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