Mother Gaia calls!

Mother Gaia calls!

Jun 28, 2021

Update 28 June 21 by Silver Dove

As I mentioned in my Moon Reading last week, what is coming to the surface now is mind blowing and heart braking!

How do we survive this time without going crazy? One thing I do is I listen to Kryon a lot and this helps me to understand what is going on.

One thing that I also learned in these last 15 month is that there are deep and horrible things going on “underground” that it makes me throw up. That there is so much evil on the planet I was not aware of and I think none of you either.

This truly was the Kali Yuga, the age of darkness and barbarism. Even the mythological images of so called “gods” eating children and doing satanic sacrifices was easy to dismiss.. it was the past! But it was not. And now every thing is coming to the surface and we need a lot of nerve to get through it.


I asked the oracle how to get trough it and this is what I realized:

We are connected through our body to mother earth, we are the same substance and share her life energy. Often in ancient traditions the celebrated sacred giveaways and gratitude offerings for Mother Gaia.

Sit down somewhere in nature for a few moments and think about what all you have received and see the magnificent things we have in our lives. Reflect on what it means “The Great Mother” and ask yourself: “what have I ever given back to her to heal her - the whole?”

It is not about physical offerings, but offerings of care, love, appreciation!

Imagine that the whole, the earth and all the beings on her body needs balance. But look at it in the higher vision of life and true balance.


Then you can see that the greatest gift you can give to the earth and all humans is your own enlightenment. If you are in a high consciousness, you tear away the veils of ignorance and your true and magnificent being can shine and light up the negativity and ignorance.

Every one who is with you, near you and living in the same place will feel that light and the consciousness level of the whole area has a chance to go higher. Every one is more inspired and uplifted.

We often talk about the One-Ness of all that is, but our linear way of thinking can’t comprehend what this is. I also realize that we are in a certain frequency that shows a linear truth to our physical senses that is hard to override. Even if we know on one level, maybe in a consciousness of meditation we even have experienced the one-ness, we can’t bring it into our daily life. We need to stop for a moment to feel it again.


Stop for moments of gratitude and ask for Divine Guidance, this will bring us closer to the break through… it is depending on ME… not any body else can to the work I came here to do!

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