Message from the Dakini Oracle

Message from the Dakini Oracle

Mar 16, 2023

Update 16 March 23 by Silver Dove
Message from the Dakini Oracle


This morning I when I got up I felt unsettled and my stomach was revolting and my head felt like I had a hangover … but I have not done any thing yesterday to deserve such feelings!!

So first I checked the Schumann resonance and something weird happened, I got the “red flag page” and first wondered what was up… then I went there anyway and it was just the chart of the Schumann resonance and nothing else… so when this site is also under scrutiny, “they” don’t want us to know about the energies that are up also.


So I went to get my Dakini Oracle and the first card that jumped out was the Joker. In this Set the Joker is more like a cosmic player, representing Brahma, the Creator. He carries the lotus, symbol of enlightenment on his white hat. He is standing on the orb of the sun and the world is just like a little ball beside his left food and on the other side we can see the dice and the book of life.

He is all seeing and the double swastika represents the positive/negative reunited and with the Number “0” he is standing out side of the game of life and represents the center of the game, the point of stillness inside the wheel of karma.


It is time to step out of the wheel to not be caught in the craziness that is happening now. In this end game we have to be careful not to be involved in duality and judge what is going on. We have to understand our cosmic heritage and step away from the ego games that are playing out now.

One aspect of this is also to keep up the humor, to see the cosmic joke in all that is and withdraw from the drama.

Then the next card was the key, the “Way through”that shows that completion of a cycle has come and confirms in many ways what I also saw in the stars and said in my readings! Already the number 9 is the end of a cycle and the cosmic key shows that every thing is moving in the right way and the outcome is already here.

Every thing is contained in the moment and all the problems solved, they just have a linger time to manifest. It also tells me again that what is in the MSM said, is not true, and even the alternative media is not completely accurate at what is happening. Most of the info is hidden and not yet ready to be seen for all.


The “Eternal Live” card is so beautiful here and also meant as a solace for those who have lost people in this war. Life itself is eternal! Even those who are on the dark side will have a chance to evolve again to reach a higher consciousness. Although they have to finish to play their game and where they are going there will be no innocent children they can use.

The “Pillar of Fire” is the cosmic Lingam of Shiva, that comes in behind the tidal wave that washes and cleanses every thing on earth. It destroys all that is not meant to be here anymore, anything that is from a lower consciousness stuck in fear and therefore violent and hostile. It is a highly charged moment in time and those sensitive will feel it very strong on all level of their beings. The dark ones will experience it as despair and what you can see they act out from this desperation because they know (maybe still unconscious) that they will loose that battle between light and dark. We have to be aware that darkness is the absence of light. Therefore darkness does not really exist and as we know, those dark ones need to keep the light souls as their source of food, because otherwise they can’t exist.

I watched a video from Saratoga Ocean lately and she brilliantly explains what Duality really is. I never heard such a good explanation. You can find it on YouTube “No going back….The Poison Pill of Simulation Theory - This is NOT A GAME”

The pillar of fire brings the new seeds of a new creative and enlightened era after the cleansing.

Please use your visualization abilities to help to create the new world. We all have some seed energy within us and the more we stay focused and create already the new world in our visualization, the faster it can happen for us.
What I mean is that we are not involved in the drama if we focus on the new world and those who have not seen it yet, please check out my video about life in an enlightened society:


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