

Aug 14, 2022

Update 14 Aug 22 by Silver Dove

After I probably shocked many people with the video yesterday, I want to explain a bit more what “knowingness” is.

Most people have experienced this once or many times in life that in certain situations of stress or danger, they just knew what do to. It was like an “idea” suddenly coming very strong and dominant that could not be dismissed. In this moment people have maybe a split second to follow and get out of the difficult situation.


The moment someone hesitates, the negative situation takes its course and the outcome is generally painful.

In this moment of great stress one part of us reaches out for help to our Divine Self, or even if you name it differently and ask for help from an Angel or Deity, it works because of the intensity of the situation and the sincerity of the call for help.

In this moment there is no time for thinking and the cry for help is not coming from the mind but the whole being. This is the key that it works.

This is also the reason why many prayers don’t work because they are often either repeated words or created with the mind according to worldly desires. It might not always be good for your spiritual soul path that you are at ease and happy, but that challenges are in life that people have to overcome to move beyond the material comfort and the dogmatic beliefs.


This “knowingness” that arises within, is also not a constant. The situations in life change often and we just “receive” what we need in the moment. In this moment, it might be something totally different from a similar situation in the past. This is connected to the shift of consciousness.

If people grow up spiritually, they receive advanced knowingness and also much more. The less one rely on the brain, the more knowingness can arise. If people start to train themselves to tune into that knowingness, they will with absolute guarantee do the right thing all the time. The action that is required to move forward on one’s soul journey toward total contentedness with our Divine Self and in direction of enlightenment.

There is a lot of help around is if we stay with what is happening to us in life. Every thing that is coming our way, that we are faced with, has a much deeper meaning that most people realize. A small gesture or action can have an important significance.


An awake person pays attention to details. The little things in life make a big difference. Being friendly even if one does not like the person s/he has to deal with. Or make a little compliment to someone who seems “down” to make him/her smile, something like: have a very good day…. Or if there is something outstanding on the person you could say: you wear such a beautiful scarf today.
Something so little can make a big difference

This reminds me of something I know is happening:
Someone went to the coffee shop and buys two coffees. He says to the barista one I take with me and one is sponsored. The sponsored one is for those who can’t pay it. And those places will give away those paid coffees for free to those in need. And this goes much further in direction “pay it forward”.
I also mentioned in the last video that often the cause of something is not in the past but in the future... this is a concept that we also need to understand to be able to make the right decisions and move forward with ease. We are so used to linear time that it is hard to understand this. But if I go shopping today the cause might be because I need food tomorrow.... therefore the cause of my shopping now is clearly in the future!

Once one let go of the need to control things and is open to let them happen, things will change massively.

And once again my recommendation when you wake up say something like this:

I surrender to the Divine within and ask for guidance, protection and inspiration.
I surrender to the Divine God/Goddess within and ask him/her to guide, protect and inspire me.

I wish you a magical day!


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