
Jan 21, 2022

Update 21 January 22 by Silver Dove

What is Karma? Is it only about the bad things in Life?

As far as I see, Karma is very often misunderstood and therefore like a curse in many people’s life. The idea of Karma is also to find in other religions, not only Buddhism. In Christianity they say that you will harvest what you plant. This is very accurate, because every action will have consequences that we have to face.

I want to share with you something from my SkyView Astrology book. This is from the chapter about the significant difference between SkyView and Western/Tropical astrology.

At this point, I would like to tell you a story:

Imagine that before you were born into this present body, you sat together with the Angels of Karma i.e. the law of cause and effect. You looked at all your “previous” lives and put together a program for the one to come. Based on the summary of “past-life” lessons, or we could say, from the journeys you experienced on other consciousness levels within the process of creation, you chose a new life pattern where you could bring in the talents of the “previous” ones, balance unfinished business and evolve to a higher consciousness level.

If you don’t believe in reincarnation, you can imagine that you sat with the Angels and looked at the life of your ancestors and put together a life program to continue ‘the family’ journey and deal with any unfinished business. This information would then be stored in your genes and DNA.

Since time does not exist, it is slightly more complicated. We sometimes need to use images, metaphors and stories to understand reality. This is the main reason why, since ancient times, teachers have spoken about mythology and many other such stories that reach out beyond the scope of our limited linear form of understanding. The Greek word “mythologein” means: ‘telling a true story’. “Mythos” refers to the connection to the Divine, “logos” to the mind. The word “logical” derives from Logos, pointing towards the linear way how the mind works.

One of the most important people in every community was the storyteller, the fool that entertained the king, the one who told the stories, jokes, riddles and fables. It was up to the listener to either just enjoy a good story or to hear the real and deeper meaning behind the imagery.

In the unbalanced one-sided character of our sun dominated seasonal cycle Tropical astrology and consciousness of the male ego, reflected in our society, we are ‘stuck’ with only one aspect of the polarity. The “logos”, the mere telling of a mundane story, is lacking the “mythos”, the connection to the yin, feminine wisdom to reach the Divine. This is the reason why we truly don’t understand mythology anymore. Our craving for the scientific reasoning which bans and labels every thing spiritual as irrational, leaves no room for the comprehending of a fairy tale. In fairy tales we find an abundance of “true stories”. Alas, only one half of the brain is in action, the left side that controls the mind.

Previous lives are like explorer games that help us to evolve according to our present level of consciousness. In each lifetime we learn another lesson and acquire a skill that we can use to climb the pyramid to levels of higher consciousness or towards the completion of our evolution on this level. The following graphic illustration might help the explanation.


In the image above, the bigger circle represents the Soul Self or the “Higher Self” and the smaller, black circle our personality in this lifetime. The personality is still very much connected to the Soul Self, even though the latter has separated from its wholeness. Some of the soul’s essence is now in the smaller circle which represents the incarnation into a personality. This personality is now manifested in a physical body, has a name and identification for a physical life time of experience.

The life energy in the physical body, with its mask, costume and limitations is still connected to the Soul Self. At the moment of one’s passing i.e. what we call ‘death’, this soul essence, or consciousness, leaves the limited “persona”, literally meaning “mask, costume” in Latin, and goes back into the Soul bringing with it all the experiences from this life time on planet Earth.

Having said this, we can continue to imagine that within the process of evolution, many different personalities have experienced lifetimes on different time levels and brought their experiences and knowledge back to the whole, or the Soul, as shown in the next graphic illustration.

In fact there are several personalities living simultaneously on different time-levels. Each personality’s consciousness is always fully intact and never lost. The truth of the matter is that we are actually able to access the consciousness of our parallel personality aspects and learn from them or, for that matter, acquire and ‘download’ the information we need for this moment. We can call this expanding the consciousness, from the limited physical 3rd dimension into the 4th dimension, where we can see a larger, wider, more inclusive picture of existence. Everyone can project their consciousness although they don’t realise it. Whenever you think of a place and visualise it you have projected your consciousness to that time and place, so why not to a part of you that is in another reality.

We have to understand at this point that reincarnation doesn’t really exist in a linear time-frame. Since the “other” personalities exist on other consciousness and time levels, they never become the “you” of this lifetime.

They remain an individual consciousness that is never lost even if they are not in a physical body anymore as perceived by us in our current form of understanding of life and time. The same happens with our present personality; even if I die and leave this physical body, the essence of “me” still exists in the unity of the Soul Self. Experience and memory imprints of each lifetime remain fully intact in the soul consciousness.

It is very hard for us to comprehend this as we are living in a third dimensional reality trying to understand a 5th, 6th or even 12th dimension, without the tools that go along with that existence. The main difficulty is that we are existing in a linear time frame which is a straight line with a beginning and an end as apposed to the circular never ending time reality beyond the veil. If we are aware of this veil, ie our Neptune energy, then we can begin developing our inner life and spiritual aspirations. If Neptune remains unveiled then it will be very difficult for us to understand this concept.


I want to emphasize here that there is no judgment on higher levels of consciousness. Now it the time of shifting into a higher energy it is important to understand that concept and when we move on, we can drop the karma! Yes, there is a way to simply drop the karma because we are not in the dimension anymore where this law is working. It was serving the purpose in 3D and will for all who remain there, but those who move into a higher consciousness will be able to let it go because we end the 3D game!

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