Integration of new Energy

Integration of new Energy

Mar 28, 2022

Update 28 March 22 by Silver Dove
Integration of new Energy

Did you also feel a bit dizzy and disoriented the last few days? All kine of things happening in the body that were a bit weird?

Well, as you can see from the Schumann Resonance Chart, we had another influx of powerful energy bursts and then a nearly collapsed energy field.


Since we are meant to ascend with Mother Gaia, it is good to understand that all the changes that she, as a planetary being, is going through, we are too!

The energy that is changing is also changing in the bodies of those who are on the ascension time line. One very important reason why we should really take care of our bodies, because we are not leaving the earth, as so many believe, but shifting with her in a higher frequency.

Weather changes are just signs of this energy change – and we feel them emotionally very strongly! And don’t worry and don’t buy into the fear mongering of climate change and that we, human beings, are responsible for it! There is something much bigger going on!

Maybe here a short reminder of a blog I recently published about the CO2 and the gasses in the air:
Reality of CO2 (no joke!! Settings things right)

We have 0.038% CO2 in the air. Nature itself produces about 96% of this.

The rest, i.e. 4%, is human beings. That is 4% of 0.038%, i.e. 0.00152%.


Please don’t fall for all the BS that is shouted about in the mainstream, I hope you left in the mean time those channels. There is nothing you need to know if you want to move forward. And my guess is that our climate is going cooler, not warmer… and more moderate when all the crazy weather manipulations are stopped!

When I ask my favored Oracle the indication is very clear that we are at the end of the long slavery and manipulation time. The evil is identified and most of it already removed. The present endgames are important to reveal and showing the truth of what is happening. The mainstream is still clinging on to their false narratives, but more and more are not fooled anymore.


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