Illusion... what is it??

Illusion... what is it??

Jun 11, 2021

Update 11 June 21 by Silver Dove

The topic of today is “Illusion”

Once we understand that youth, beauty, ugliness, old age and death are illusions we are free to live as we want. One of the most important thing is that we live in a free-will zone!

Once when we have agreed to insert part of our whole being into this matrix, we knew on the ”other side of the veil” who we really are and that the stage we have entered was a matrix that will keep us in it’s illusion.

We experience this realm here with our 5 senses and every thing is appearing to be real. It is real for our senses, but not for our whole “being-ness”.


This prolonged crisis we experience on the planet in the moment is a chance to withdraw from the usual routine and find something out about “Self”. Some have used the time for introspection.. some have not.

We can see the result outside in the world, the exoteric manifestation of the illusion that brings up the division, the anger and frustration. The masses are not ready to see the illusion, the program that is behind this all and the most important fact probably:

Every body has part in this… every body is to a certain degree responsible (response-able) for what is happening. What is in your environment is the mirror of your belief and you constantly manifest it.

Those who want to change things have to first withdraw from the “merry go round” of the emotions that are playing out and centre the present personality to (re)connect with the SELF.

You are not that personality, that mask/costume that you play on this stage. You are here for an experience and a very important one right now.

We are in the most unique time, end time of a great Solar Year and this is the very first time in the story of the earth, that it was not mainly the destruction and cataclysm to destroy the old to present a chance for a new beginning.

This time Mother Earth is shifting with those who are ready to move back beyond the veil – tear it apart and live again (even in the physical body) as knowing Masters.
The children will go on and play their games of 3D and are separated through a veil from the whole being. The tension of the duality will keep them going and having more adventures and experiences on this energy level. Don’t think of children from the size of their body… there are many “small bodies” here that are much more “adult” than many with an adult body!

Focus on the transition, look through the veil to understand the manifested illusion here. Every thing that is happening is created with the energy of the whole and the individual is experiencing the mirror of his own creation and can chose if s/he want to play the game longer or not.

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