Update 30 Sept 22 by Silver Dove
How to stay healthy in the coming cold season
I have heard many times about the protocols in the hospitals that are also called "the road to death". I do believe that in most places the hospitals are the most dangerous places in the moment. In addition there is a big problem there with staff… you might have heard… In the northern hemisphere we are approaching winter, the cold season that brings the affinity for flue sand other disease that are connected with cold temperatures and not enough fresh air/light/sun. Many have already a weakened immune system either from vax (you know the stories...) or masks that deprive the body from enough oxygen and also weakened the immune system because it had to deal with additional fungus and bacteria from the out-breath. Now it is more than ever important to start your own protocol to stay healthy and make your own remedies that you can't buy in most countries.
I am an advocate of homeopathy and make my own remedies with a radionic machine since 29 years. I have not been in any medical treatment for more that 30 years, the only thing I didn’t manage to keep out from medical treatment was the teeth. There are little home pharmacy kits available with homeopathic remedies. I used those for many yeas before I made them myself. The remedies are very effective and even more so when you start right when you feel the first symptoms like a scratchy throat etc. What I always appreciated very much is that such a little home kit is very small and very easy to take along even in a small purse.
I will add a list at the bottom of the post. Use a low potency if you have active symptoms like D6 / X6 and take it 3 times a day. Make sure you don’t eat/drink at least 15 min before and after since homeopathic remedies are absorbed by the mucous membranes!!
I can not stress enough, that especially now in the fall when so many fruits are available, the investment of a dehydrator might save our life.
Most products that you buy that are processed, most likely don't have anymore what you need. It is easy to hydrate things yourself and seal them so you have enough the whole winter. So what you would need it something like this: The dehydrators are depending on size 100-200 US$ and the little vacuum sealer, you can buy the most basic one is under 50 US$. (I just found that the prices vary much in different countries...)
Depending where you live, get the most common fruits you have. I dry a lot of pineapples and bananas and my friend in Europe just told me that she did many kg of apples that the farmer let her collect from the ground for free. I also love the taste of dried fruits… just make sure you drink enough water. You can also use them to cook and bake… it’s so delicious and once you start and realize that you don’t need any freezer or fancy storage, I’m sure you will love it.
You can also make your own hydroxychloroquine very easy and store it for your whole family. If you help and care for each other it will be easy to stay healthy. Also remember that you attract what you fear!
Life is simple if we are following the gut feeling and not the head rule our lives. How often have you felt you should stay home because you could feel that something is in the air. How many times did you listen?
Reminding again the the whole C19 etc. is a big hoax and there is no doctor or scientists that has ever has isolated this or any other virus. If there is not isolated virus, what tho you think they base the vax on??? You might be interested to watch "The end of Germ Theory" .. yes.. theory.. .not a fact, just a theory... https://www.bitchute.com/video/B1d2a6rJWAhr/
are just like a normal flue or cold and it is easy to cure it. We have such a great hygiene standard that it is possible to take care of ourselves unless there are prevalent symptoms that have already damaged our health. Still, in the most cases, a cold/flue can be cured easily if taken care of right from the beginning.
We used to say that a cold takes one week to heal with honey/lemon/onion syrup and 7 days if you go to the doctor and take pills.
There are so many natural antibiotics around, you can collect them for free in nature and they work very well. If you are not familiar with the herbs, go and search for natural antibiotics and you find plenty. You will find something that grows just near by or you can get easily on a farmers market.
Stay healthy and happy... there is a way... always!! And it's the easy way!
Common Cold
Primary Remedies
Arsenicum album
A person who has frequent colds, sore throats, and chest problems—with burning pain and feelings of weakness, restlessness, and anxiety—may benefit from this remedy. The person's head may feel hot while the rest of the body is cold, and problems can be worse near midnight. The nose often feels stopped up, and the person may sneeze repeatedly, without relief. White, think, burning mucus may be produced.
This remedy relieves high fever of sudden onset with sweating.
Red, watery, irritated eyes, frequent sneezing, and a mild, clear nasal discharge suggests a need for this remedy. The person may cough from irritation and from phlegm collecting in the throat. Symptoms can be worse at night, and the person tends to feel better from eating and lying down.
Natrum muriaticum
Colds with clear nasal discharge like egg-white, sneezing (which is often worse in the morning), headache, and a diminished sense of smell or taste may respond to this remedy. The person may develop cold sores around the mouth, and the lips can be chapped and cracked.
Nux vomica
This relieves spasmodic sneezing in the morning, with a dry nose during the night.
This remedy relieves non-irritant yellowish nasal discharge with a dry nose at night that becomes runny during the day, and loss of smell and taste.
Other Remedies
Aconitum napellus
This remedy relieves high fever of sudden onset, with a hot face and dry skin, especially after exposure to intense cold.
Allium cepa
This relieves spasmodic sneezing and runny nose with an irritating, watery discharge, improved by fresh air.
Baryta carbonica
This remedy is indicated for people who frequently catch colds from getting chilled. A runny nose and swollen upper lip, swollen lymph nodes, tonsils, and adenoids are typical symptoms. This remedy is often helpful to children who are bashful and slow to develop.
When a person comes down with a cold after getting wet and chilled, or if colds come on when the weather changes, this remedy should come to mind. A stopped-up nose and face pain are likely. A person who needs Dulcamara also tends to have allergies.
Ferrum phosphoricum
This remedy relieves low-grade fever with weakness and tendency to nosebleeds and earaches.
Lethargy and aching, with headache and droopy eyes, often indicate this remedy. Fever and chills run up and down the spine, and heat or pressure may be felt in the face and nose. A person who needs Gelsemium often trembles and is shaky, or feels extremely dull. This remedy is often helpful for colds that come on in hot weather.
Hydrastis canadensis
This remedy relieves thick nasal discharge that irritates the throat.
Kali bichromicum
This helps relieve thick, greenish, irritating nasal discharge.
Kali iodatum
This remedy relieves runny nose with acrid watery discharge, with pain at the base of the nose.
Kali muriaticum
This helps relieve ear congestion with cracking sounds in the ear, worsened by the change in pressure.
Mercurius solubilis
A person who needs this remedy is extremely sensitive to temperatures, and experiences night sweats and drooling during sleep. Swollen lymph nodes and bad breath are other indications. The person's nose may feel raw, and the tonsils or ears often become infected.
A person whose colds go easily to the chest often responds to this remedy. One nostril may be blocked while the other runs. Hoarseness, laryngitis, and nosebleeds are other likely symptoms. The person often is thirsty for cold drinks and feels better from massage. People who need this remedy often feel weak, "spaced out," and anxious or fearful when ill.
Rhus toxicodendron
If a cold begins with stiffness and body aches, especially during cool damp weather or weather changes, and leads to nasal congestion or sore throat, this remedy should come to mind. The person feels extremely restless and often paces or fidget. Warmth and motion bring relief, both physically and mentally.
Sulphur iodatum
This remedy relieves lingering symptoms (cough, nasal congestion) after a severe cold or flu.
Homeopathy Dosage Directions
Select the medicine that most closely matches the symptoms. In conditions where self-treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency (6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C) should be used. In addition, instructions for use are usually printed on the label.
Many homeopathic physicians suggest that medicines be used as follows: Take one dose and wait for a response. If improvement is seen, continue to wait and let the medicine work. If improvement lags significantly or has clearly stopped, another dose may be taken. The frequency of dosage varies with the condition and the individual. Sometimes a dose may be required several times an hour; other times a dose may be indicated several times a day; and in some situations, one dose per day (or less) can be sufficient. If no response is seen within a reasonable amount of time, select a different medicine.
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