

Feb 04, 2022

Update 4 February 22 by Silver Dove

A phenomena that I can observe is that people are feeling a kind of what I would call “homesickness” after this relatively long period of 2 years if panic / plandemic and restrictions on so many levels.

Covering the faces is really to “loose face” and personality. It was used in the past to break the spirit of slaves and now to break the spirit of people who want to live their lives in freedom and peace.


Unfortunately people were manipulated to far into dependency and far away from self sufficiency, not only material, but also mental and emotional! The brainwash and indoctrination that has been subtle and not so subtle fed the human mind is poisoned and let them away from their natural connection with nature and the Divine.

The Dakini Oracle card for today is “Mother’s Milk” which represents the combined essential Mother Aspects of attachment and nourishment. The desire to go back to the Primal Source because we don’t feel safe here and are longing for our spiritual home. Even if most don’t realize what they long for really, it’s a deep seated homesickness that is in every human being.


Now, according to the consciousness level of an individual, that longing is interpreted in different ways, some very material and like a baby that longs for the breast milk of the mother and does not know any thing else yet. This is the illusion of safety in the mundane world, that money and worldly possession is giving the satisfaction to be happy. This is just another illusion.

So we are deceived in many ways to give our power away for such safety and every time when we give the Controllers a bit more, they take even more of our essential life force.

Humanity is feeding the Cabal with their obedience and it is great to see that people are awakening and standing up for their inherited divine right and freedom.


The Cabal has not given up and a lot of traps are still here, right in front of all of us… like the virtual reality that they have already created, connected to 5G, so they can trap our souls. Be careful.

Did you ever realize how 5G and 5D sounds nearly similar? Sometimes I had to listen very closely to hear if someone said the “G’ or the “D” ….

Please watch the video from Saratoga Ocean… she explains about the time line shift and how it’s going to happen. I will write about this topic more over the weekend.


PS - I did post my moon reading for Chinese New year, but forgot to post it in this blog too.... please have a look at:


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