Gathering Strength

Gathering Strength

Aug 31, 2022

Update 31 Aug 22 by Silver Dove
Gathering Strength

The energy today is calling for strength. Life is like a scale, we add something on one side and take something off on the other… every thing is moving and every thing has to be balanced at the end.


We are mostly out of balance and like a pendulum, once the pendulum swings to the left, there comes the turning point when it has to swing in the other direction to balance the movement.

We had a chance to gather knowledge in this lifetime and also in past lives, knowledge that makes itself known as “talents” for example in the positive way, and sometimes fears or phobias in the negative way. And it all has to be balanced to we can gather strength to move forward.

Our program is judging every thing and the moment we experience something the mind, like a computer, is comparing the event to the past events, categorizes it and then it’s either good or bad.

But this is not how our life functions. This is not objective and you probably all have experienced that something that looked “bad” in the moment had a good outcome that was needed and led to something “good”.


We are very fast to judge and it is a tremendous strain to let go of judgment and be open for things to unfold. We hardly ever really know the bigger picture because our perception is very limited.

But to gather strength, we need to let go of judgment and start to trust our innate wisdom, our intuition and inspiration with out questioning it.

I am always reminded again and again that every thing that we can imagine is real, maybe not in our 3D “reality”, but that does not mean it’s not real. Dreams also are read, feelings are real even though they are not 3D and materialized.

To gather strength for this special time, we have to remain open and ready to drop all our stubborn beliefs and stop to hold on. Those who do will not move on into a different frequency and new reality.

If… just think about it… if all what we can imagine is real in some realm or reality - and the emotions the fuel of creation – what is possible?


If most people create their life unconscious because they don’t understand the process of pro-creation (that knowledge was withheld and replaces by a more limiting belief system) what is really possible?

If all those who wake up start to consciously create their lives to support humanity and are focused on a better life, we could shift things quiet fast and life in a very beautiful and abundant world for all.

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