Flower Healing Power Workshop
Since my homepage is lost, I will post here the most important info about the workshops I teach until I have a new website again.
Soma Wisdom Center:
7 Day Workshop: Flower Healing Power: making your own!
with Katharina Bless
“Let not the simplicity of this method deter you from it’s use, for you will find the further your researches advance, the greater you will realize the simplicity of all creation” ~ Dr. Edward Bach
This Workshop which includes the teaching how to make your own Flower Essences.
Prerequisite for this workshop: practical experience with flower essences or to have read at least one of my two books: “Flower Healing Power” books. Preferably the second, the Asian Gateway Flower Essences which is the base for this workshop.
The flower essences are vibration medicine and are not working on the level of the physical body but affect directly the subtle bodies! To make this visible we use methods so you can see and feel the immediate effect of the flower essences and the topic related to it. This is a powerful tool to bring awareness and light into the shadow of our hidden blockages to redeem them permanently. This method is truly healing body, soul and mind!
We start with an introduction into the "Language of Illness" and the meaning of the Flower Essences. Illness means the abandonment of harmony and of a balanced regime.
Every symptom that manifests in the body has a message for us. To understand this message is crucial to the process of healing, then the illness has no substance anymore and true healing will take place. Healing is a spiritual discipline!
Healing is a spiritual discipline related to “holy” and “wholeness”. Flower essences are vibrational medicine which affect directly the subtle bodies instead of the physical bodies! To make this visible we act out the topic of the flowers in a role play and every one can observe the immediate effect of the flower essences and the topic related to it. This method is truly healing body, soul and mind!
You will be introduced to Kinesiology, the muscle test
In Kinesiology tests, there is a uniformity of response and the results are predicable, repeatable and universal even if no rational link existed between stimulus and response. In 1975 Dr. David R. Hawkins began research on the kinesiological response to truth and falsehood. In double blind studies and in demonstrations involving mass audiences, subjects universally tested weak in response to unmarked envelopes containing artificial sweetener and strong to identical placebo envelopes. The same response appeared in testing intellectual values. Kinesiology is the perfect way to find out what remedy someone needs because our body is our best friend and never lies to us!
Introduction of the 22 Asian Flowers and how to use them.
Each flower essence covers a topic, not a symptom! The essences help us to align ourselves again to our true life path and regain perfect health. In this part we also make a role play with the flower essences to introduce them on an ever deeper level. In addition, we will look at the Bach Flower Essences as well.
Find Flowers in Nature to make your own Flower Essences!
It’s a truly amazing journey and adventure to discover how to communicate with the Nature's Angelic Beings and Spirits and hear the messages of the individual flowers. As Quantum Physics teaches us, every thing is alive and has consciousness. It is a fascinating way to experience it first hand and to make your own flower essences! The adventure of going out into Nature to find those flowers ready to give their life for our healing purpose is changing one's life.
You will learn:
- all the skills needed to work with the flower essences
- how to make your own flower remedies
- how to communicate with the flowers to understand their message
- read their signature
- to comprehend what illness really is and where it comes from
- the difference between "healing" and "curing"
- Insight into the human psyche on how the flower essence work and what they can achieve
- what it needs to understand the language and signature of flowers
At the end of the workshop you have all the remedies that were made in the workshop and in addition, if you like, you can purchase the original Asian Flower Essence Set with 22 flower remedies and a Emergency Essence
This is a 7 day workshop at Chiang Rai
This workshop on Jan 8th 2023 is already booked out.
The next workshop 2023 is planned for: Nov 19 - 25
And January 14 - 20 2024
starting Sunday and ending on Saturday the 14 at after dinner. We plan to have dinner all together for the certificate celebration.
Included: Lunch, drinking water / tea and fruits the whole day
In the moment the venue is not fixed, we will clear that when we get closer to the venue.
There are materials we need to make the Flower Essences and the Flower Healing Power book 2: The Asian Gateway Flower Essences that should be read before the workshop so we can skip the theory and go over to the fun!
Workshop fee: 29,000 Thai Baht
Materials: about 1500 Thai Baht
For more information and registration please contact: [email protected]