Update 11 April 22 by Silver Dove
Energy Low
Did you also feel the last couple days that something is very “heavy” and it’s kind of difficult to get the energy going. I am not a head ache person, but I have a slight headache since a couple days, started with an intense peak at the “energy peak” and crashing into a very tired feeling yesterday the 10th and despite the fact that I was very tired, I could not sleep and woke up many times!
Looking into my Oracle asking what is happening with this black-out I get the following information:
The energy boost is the “Way Through”, a key event that shifted the whole energy to a new level. This is something that is not being reversed any more and the consequence of the “black out” which is represented in the card of the “Wheel of Great Time” shows that the cosmic clock has moved forward int a new energy frequency.
Kali, the Goddess which is connected with the destruction of the “enemy of truth” is holding the sword and the clock hand. The sculls are the past and the experience that is within our DNA and ethereal memory.
She represents in this image the ever changing nature of life and warns from being caught in the illusion of linear time. There is nothing we can hold on in the material world, it all is passing by.. attachment is the greatest pain!
Now karma is burned up and we need to be careful not to be trapped and try to hold on to our old ways of life. Now we have a chance to become the master of our karma, of the present and the future which we create in our present!
The last segment of weak energy represented by “Slay the Ego” will help to let go of comparisons and old ways of perception.
“Forsake the particularization of Self for participation in the universal dance of Life” it the sentence in the book here. It is time to dissolve the veil which separates us from the truth, the Divine Unity!https://in5d.com/todays-live-schumann-resonance-charts-and-resources/
This topics with the surrender of the Ego is difficult to understand since most people identify themselves with their Ego. I am not saying that we have to give up the Ego (as often misunderstood) but surrender the Ego to the Self and with our spiritual Self the Ego is the “Persona” to represent our true Self. This means that we let go of the rules/regulations of our behavior that was brainwashed into our mind from the day we were born and even before. The behavior that is forced upon humanity since thousands of years and make them to slaves.
Self-surrender is not to abandon the Ego, but to “give-it-up” which is reconnect with our spirit Self and receive information from there. This is the intuition/inspiration and the little affirmation “I surrender to my Spirit Self and ask for guidance and protection” …. for example. There are many more ways you can do it. But there is no way around it, your ego will not be successful in your journey forward if not connected to you spiritual Self.
So we can say these days are integration energy for the ego to learn better to surrender. Since this is also a Kali image, it’s quite clear.
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