Update 29 July 21 by Silver Dove
Energy Reset..... What about Courage?
When I checked the Schumann Resonance today, I was very surprised, I have never seen such a long “black out” before. The activity was very intense in the last days and the white “flashes” are going far out the chart.
This is a screenshot form the post in Twitter for yesterday and you can see how strong the light burst was:
Now this is what I saw this morning:
Death is an illusion. We just are so locked into that drama because we have lost the connection to our Divine SELF and are relaying on our perception connected to this physical body, mind and feelings mostly.
This is the reason why our whole perception has to change and these resets are disrupting our daily “go with the flow” and make us step out of the river and look at it… maybe it’s the first time for you and then you start to see that there is so much more than this life in the NORM.
If you have the courage to step out of the train of the masses and stop for a moment, then the chance and the change is great. It’s like you have been colour-blind and suddenly you see colours.
It’s the first time that a civilization is not destroying itself but moving into the next age without worldwide massive cataclysm. It might sound unbelievable, looking at the mess in the world, but this massive awaking that is happening needed those drastic measures! The modern technology has helped us to connect and receive information like never before. Even though those from the old Elite try to stop it and use it only for destruction, it’s too late… it’s over...the Light has won already!
It just needs some time to manifest.
The shift in 2012 did happen… but like the seed we put in the ground, we don’t see it right away and have to wait to see the new plant. Now we can see it, we can see the light coming back!