Energy of the Eclipse on April 8th

Energy of the Eclipse on April 8th

Apr 06, 2024

Pearls of Wisdom with Katharina Bless
Dakini Oracle Reading : Energy of the Eclipse on April 8th

I read and heard a lot of different prophecies for this coming eclipse and I agree that there will be a powerful attempt from the Dark Ones to interfere with the energy. So I wanted more information and was “talking” to my preferred Oracle.

Once again, it was totally not what I expected, but it makes a lot of sense and I leave it up to you what you think about it.

The As Above/So Below card is a so beautiful and shows again the love that is here for us! The both sides are shown as love and compassion. Therefore there must be a lot down here on earth too, otherwise we would not be here anymore. The colors of the flower are hinting into a direction which is connected to the opening of the heart and transformation. At the bottom left is an active volcano the raw power of the earth! This raw power is now being transformed through the rising consciousness of humanity, moving towards the light and compassion. You can see the fire is connected to one of the pink cover petals of the blue/violet flower which shows the refinement of the emotions.

This eclipse will bring a lot of waking up all over the world because, as the second card, the Threefold Riddle indicates, there is a lot of hidden things coming to the surface and that will wake up many.

Yakshi, the tree spirit who holds the polarity and natural flow of nature, will be involved to make sure that things go back to a natural flow in life.

Many know that we didn’t have natural weather anymore for at least a couple decades something might happen that is so clear, that this is the final trigger to tip the scales and a mass awakening will happened. Many who were undecided will know clearly what is happening.

The combination of these cards also indicate that there are helpers behind the scene to protect humans. You might know or heard, that some spiritual beings have disabled the war heads of missiles and other deadly weapons in the past and they will do it again. It is good if you ask the angels and star family for help, the more people ask, the more helpers we’ll have given the permission to interfere. You know that we are living in the place of free will and also help can only come if we ask for.

I also want to recommend you to watch the video from Kerry K where she is telling what is happening, the story behind NASA and CERN and also the air planes … Please be careful and protect yourself.

For me it is clear, that this event is going to be very important! One of the last desperate attempts of the Dark Ones to conquer the world will shatter and as in the experiment of CERN: no, they will not find the ‘God particle’ that they tell people that they are looking for.

Those who are in the Moon Shadow, be careful and bring lots of clean water with you. I have experienced a total solar eclipse on Oct 24th 1995 here in Asia. It is a very powerful experience and magical in many ways. First it got dark, kind of blueish dark and not like night… then all the birds stopped singing and it was a silence that is beyond description… I took the glasses that were given to us off and looked into the eclipse for that minute or so until that “diamond ring effect” happened that hit me like a sword! It was really painful and something shifted in me. I got a very bad headache after that, had to go back into the bus with the group I came… we were stuck in traffic, I missed my flight back home and I was luckily offered a bed with someone living near the airport and they arranged the flight the next day. I was so sick, I could hardly see, and it took me about 4-5 days to recover. I recommend you to take lots of water with you because I didn’t have it and I could imagine that it would have been easier if I had water to drink!
But…. I was able to finally shift out of a very abusive relationship and change my life. It was such a blessing. I don’t know exactly what happened, but I was touched by a divine energy that moment of the diamond ring effect!

I tell you this only because humanity is in a very abusive relationship with the “rulers” and it is time to move out of it. So take your chance, connect to the Divine Self and ask to be touched by the light.

Katharina is a spiritual teacher since 4 decades, traveling the world and teaching. As an "old soul" her only goal is to help human beings to see beyond the material/persona limitations. She is retired and lives in Chiang Rai Thailand where she has started to grow her own food, planted a huge orchard of fruit and other trees.

Cards: Secret Dakini Oracle by Nick Douglas and Penny Slinger
I am not using the cards as described in their book.. they talk to me in other ways.

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